「Twenty One」

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"Be happy that I didn't spill this coffee on your suit," Hoseok complained as he gave a threatening look to Jimin, who's laughing out loudly. It sure made Hoseok extra angry.

"Oh, I know that you wouldn't do that,"

"Watch me,"

"Hyung, no!" Jimin was still laughing when he jumped over his bed, skillfully escaping Hoseok's free hand which wasn't carrying his damn coffee. Hoseok scoffed as he missed the catch, "We don't have much time. It's already seven and you can stay in here if you come down late,"

"I would, gladly."

"I take it back, you brat. Come down within five minutes or you'll be dead."

Jimin rolled his eyes and went to Hoseok, gently pushing him out his room. Hoseok didn't stop complaining about how the younger is already taking too much time to get ready to attend the dinner of Yoongi's friend. Of course they couldn't get their first impression ruined because first, he seemed to be a great friend of Yoongi and two, no one will be pleased if they're guests arrive late.

Jimin closed his door after he completely shoved away the older, sighing irritatingly.

'This is such a shame. Why would I give up watching the football match I'm supposed to enjoy instead of this? Hyung's so annoying,'

Though he didn't bring himself up to say that out loud, his mind was always complaining. He also blamed the hostage company of the mentioned football match for telecasting at the exact time, like, didn't they get any other time? Why it had to be the first exact goddamn time?

He whined at the thought that he won't get any chance to watch it as he ran his fingers through his hair, making it messy a little. It made Jimin look more stunning, according to his point of view.

well.. it wasn't wrong, I must say.

He snatched his cologne and sprayed is all over his frame and sighed for the nth time, making his way out to the living room. There he met with his hyung, who looked like about to burst and his soon-to-be-husband, Yoongi, looking fresh and all. Their gaze changed to awe when Jimin was fully appeared infront of them, looking like a prince with the beige shirt, exposing a decent amount of his milky white skin.

"Oh my, I didn't see you stunning this much earlier in your room.. how come?" Hoseok exclaimed, Jimin just rolled his eyes. "Hyung, you were busy with scolding me. Glad that somehow you notcied how stunning I am," He said and flipped his non existing long hair, earning a chuckle from Yoongi.

Hoseok slapoed his arm with an irritated look, "I didn't raise you to be a brat, Jimin. But gosh," He pinched Jimin's cheeks, "You look like our long lost child.. oh my,"

"Hyung.. why so extra,"

Jimin dissapointingly huffed and Yoongi checked his wrist watch, "Guys, enough of family bonding. Joon would kick my ass if we go there late,"

With that they went out their apartment, locking the doors and heading towards the house of Namjoon.


The trio, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin got out Yoongi's car, after Yoongi stopped infront of a decent house. He made sure that they were at the right place because he has been here couple of times after he came to Korea and instructed the fellow males to follow him.

The moon was shining brightly, being surrounded by a ring of diamond like starts. It wasn't cloudy but the wind was refreshing; it gave out a new, yet a happy feeling.

Jimin's regret of coming here was easing a little as soon the cold wind kissed his body. The environment seemed friendly and cosy, exactly the type of weather Jimin preferred. He looked around the house, warmly enjoying the neat front yard, the shady bushes which was decorating infront of the house perfectly. The lawns were neatly trimmed as they made the front view of the house extra glowing.

Jimin was too occupied by the decent view of Namjoon's house to notice a very familiar csr being stopped right next to where Yoongi parked his car. The fair darkness helped it too, if you could see.

As they approached the front door, Jimin was right behind his hyungs when Yoongi rang the doorbell. Wasting no time, the door flew opened revealing a tall, handsome and a simple smiled male greeting them happily.

"Hey, Yoongi!"

"Yo, bro."


"This is Hoseok, and this is.." Yoongi dragged Jimin from his sleeve and presented Namjoon, "Jimin. Hoseok's my boyfriend and Jimin's his brother,"

Hoseok and Jimin both flashed their identical smiles as they greeted Namjoon, "Hey, Namjoon."

"Aw, I see why you badly wanted me two see them. They're adorable!"

Jimin giggled at the unusual complement. It's a different storh that he would always get called adorable but-

"Come inside. There are people I wanna introduce to you too," Namjoon exclaimed and escorted the trio inside the warm house, closing the door after them.

"Your clothes are somewhat familiar though, Jimin." Namjoon said as he took a bare view of Jimin, checking out his outfit.

"Huh?" Jimin slightly giggled, "Maybe this is some trend these days.. I don't really know because I'm not interested in fashion anyways,"

"You do have a great sense of fashion though. Choice is great,"


Namjoon nodded and smiled at Jimin, getting a turn to the dining table. Jimin halted, making his hyungs, Yoongi and Hoseok copy the same as he tried to listen attentively to the sounds of familiar voice from not so far.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi questioned but Jimin just shook his head awkwardly and continued following Namjoon, his heart starting to accelerate due to a certain ridiculous thought.

'Did I just hear Jiya and Taehyung laughing?'

He visibly shook his head again when he was about to enter the dining room behind his hyungs' back, heart stopping its beating when he was finally revealed infront of two certain people.


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