「Twenty Four」

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Jimin decided that he should take a walk to school instead of Hoseok dropping him home. He still couldn't clear his mind and stop thinking about Taehyung's words. They kept ringing inside his head, for reasons he couldn't understand.

His heart was still heavy from yesterday night. Jimin tried his best to understand the Kims and he could say that he succeeded since he could perfectly feel the pressure and the pain Taehyung was hiding inside his heart, to show a strong father to his daughter.

Jiya was indeed lucky to have Taehyung as her father. That's how Jimin thought.

He sighed as he connected his earphones to his device and played a random classic and yes, the boy loved classics. It helped Jimin to always calm down. As he walked further, he kept thinking of why his heart is urging him to make a move on the Kims.

'Jiya needs a family,'

That sentence kept ringing inside his head.

It was obvious that Jimin indeed liked both of them too much and he still got a chance since Taehyung is divorced. Not that he's happy about it, but on either way, he could still have a chance to be a light for their lives. He was happy about it.

It wasn't too early for Jimin to conclude that he's finally going to let out his feelings. For the past years, he has been hiding his feelings. Plus, it wasn't a big deal since he has never fallen for someone. But now that he felt like he has fallen, he thought of giving everything a chance.

Just like Taehyung.

Just as when he was about to take a step further, he heard a small honk and the sound of a car being stopped right next to him. Jimin removed his earbuds as he turned and faced smiling Taehyung and Jiya through the rolled down window.

"Good morning, Mochi! Please get inside, I know you're going school!"

Jimin chuckled and slightly bent to face Jiya, who's smiling showing off all her small teeth. "I would love, too. But is your Appa okay with that?" Jimin looked at Taehyung who opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Jiya. "Oh yes! He would love to.. He was telling me how cool you were yesterday night Mochi! Jiya is so happy!"

Jimin looked down shyly when a blush creot on his cheeks as he nodded and went for the back seat, only to get a whining from Jiya. "Mochi, front please.."

Jimin halted and came back near the passenger side and heard Taehyung's voice, "Only if you like, Jimin-ssi. Jiya ate a lot today morning so I can't make any promises," Taehyung said with a giggle and Jimin followed, Jiya turning to Taehyung and playfully hitting his arm. "Appa, you fed me remember? It ain't even my fault,"

Jimin cooed as he giggled once again, letting Jiya open her door and hopping out for Jimin to get in. Jimin removed his backpack and placed it under the seat next to Jiya's one, getting inside and carefully taking Jiya on his lap.

"Aw, Jiya. You gotta do a lot of sports today to burn your weight. You're heavy," Jimin teased and made both Taehyung and Jiya giggle. "I would love to since I get a lot of time to spend with you, Mochi! I ain't complaining,"

"Wow, such a mood change.." Taehyung said in a surprised tone and another round of giggles echoed inside the car. They drove off heading to school to be there on time, often cracking jokes and making themselves very comfortable around eachother.

The Kims felt like Jimin is no longer a stranger, but someone they're really close to. It didn't take much time for them to realise that and they were absolutely loving the presence of the male.


"Someone's in a good mood," Nora, one of Taehyung's coworkers exclaimed as she observed Taehyung greeting everyone with a huge grin. Not that he don't greet his coworkers other days, but that grin, it was unusual.

"What do you mean? I'm always in a good mood,"

"Says the one who was whining about how many designs he needs to complete yesterday,"

"Aish," Taehyung chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes, "That's a different story, noona. Not everyday I get to drop Jimin-ssi,"

"And who's Jimin?"


Taehyung awkwardly smiled and cleared his throat, placing his car keys and wallet on his table, "Just some teacher from Jiya's school,"

"Just some?" Nora teased as she wiggled his brows earning a hit on her shoulder from Taehyung. "Just some."

'Gosh, you're such a bad liar Taehyung.'

"Only if you say so.." Nora sang with the same teasing tone as she sat on her desk which was right across Taehyung's. "Noona.."

Taehyung whined and made Nora chuckle and a few seconds later, Taehyung joined too. Then they got back to work and it would be a lie if you tell Taehyung didn't get teased about his very happy mood today.


"Did you see that?"

"See what, Ms.Gwen?"

"There," Ms.Gwen pointed through the window which was right next to her as she held a coffee mug in her hands. Ms.Hyun, the other teacher which was with Ms.Gwen at the moment inside the Teachers' room titled her neck to get a clear view of Jimin getting off a car with one of the students. Ms,Hyung raised an eyebrow as she looked at Ms.Gwen, "What you think,"

"I don't know, but Jimin usually gets dropped off by his brother as far as I know," Ms.Gwen made a sluty look as she flipped her hair, "There's definitely something going on there. That's Kim Jiya, you know her?"


"Aish, I teach her music and her parents are divorced,"

"Oh, poor girl.. But why is Mr.Park coming to school with her? And she was on his lap even," Ms.Gwen nodded as she mischievously smiled, "That's what. Kids like him and he's such a cool guy. Definitely he got charms and can snatch multiple chances, you do get what I try to say right? Plus, I'v seen Mr.Kim, Jiya's father and he's a pretty great guy.. That's why there maybe, no there must be something definitely going on,"

"Guess we gotta be concerned about the bread," Ms.Hyun huffed and took her belongings for her first period, leaving alone Ms.Gwen, letting her calmly finish her coffee.

For your information, Ms.Gwen is very well known for having a vast knowledge of what happens inside the school. She didn't care if they're related to her or not, but if there's something which is interesting just like Jimin getting out of a car with one of the students on his lap, you can definitely expect Ms.Gwen to make a move.

[A/N : Thank you for 3K reads and 500 votes :)]

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