「Fifty Seven」

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The courtroom was silent; only the tik-tok of the wall clock was heard, to bear up the extreme silence. Jimin's hand was intertwined with Taehyung's as they nervously breathed, occasionally biting their lips. The more time passed, the more their hands became sweaty. Right infront of them was the head judge of the court, Mr.Lee with his assistants, busily examining the decision of the Juri.

Right next to them, there was Nahyun and Jungkook on the court stand, observing every detail of the courtroom. It looked like they have already accepted their defeat but no one can make sure. They were once so cunning and it just made anyone not trust them so easily.

"It's gonna be fine.. right?"

Taehyung looked at Jimin and gave him a smile, nodding. "It's gonna be fine. The judgement will be played fair, don't worry." Jimin nodded and focused back his attention to the Judge, rubbing circles on Taehyung's hands.

"Attention please!"

The courtroom startled as the Judge announced. Jimin and Taehyung almost forgot to breath as they spared a glance at their lawyer, Mr.Im, who had a hopeful look in his eyes.

"After filing the case against Choi Nahyun and Jeon Jungkook infront of the honourable Juri, we have made the final decision."

"It's time.." Jimin nervously mumbled and Taehyung tightened the grip on Jimin's hand, fully focusing at the Judge who spoke.

"As the honourable Juri has decided, with the unbiased examination of all the evidence presented by Lawyer Im from the side of witnesses, I declare that all the evidence presented by the Defence Solicitor, Mr.Byun from the side of Accused is negligible. Under the law of justice and fairness, I declare that Kim Nahyun and Jeon Jungkook are responsible for faking their identities, personal life interruption, raping attempts and murder attempts."

Taehyung and Jimin squealed with happiness as they almost cried, briefly sharing a warm hug. Now the justice has been done for all what happened and it was such a relief. With Nahyun's and Jungkook's faces of burning anger, it was more than a pleasant sight to see.
Justice always wins and Jimin and Taehyung finally experienced that.

"I obliged to that decision!" Mr.Byun raised his hand as he presented himself infront of the Judge, gaining everyone's attention.

"Tae.." Jimin looked at Taehyung as his smile faded and instead, a scared expression was replaced on his face. "Sh, baby.. let's see what happens," Taehyung reassured, intertwining their hands back again.

"Lawyer Byun, you can not oblige to the final decision of the court. Do you not know that?"

Mr.Byun bowed, "I am sorry for that, honorary. But as if you could've seen, my client Choi Nahyun has been suffering from a mental syndrome called Obsessive-Compulsive disorder. I obliged to remind you that-"

"Lawyer Byun, please be seated. As the Judge, I am very well aware of all what happened and all the possible consequences. I advise you not to disturb the actions of the court again." Mr.Byun's mouth was stuck opened as he was cut off. He could do nothing more than silently walking back to his seat, scoffing, spearing a glance at Nahyun and Jungkook.

The Judge cleared his throat gaining back the attention of the company after Mr.Byun was seated back on his seat.

"Continuing, according to the further decisions we've made, considering the fact that Choi Nahyun has been suffering from a serious mental disorder called Obsessive-Compulsive disorder, we would like to let the honourable courtroom know that they will be given the punishment of life imprisonment for Choi Nahyun and Jeon Jungkook. Over,"

As the court was merrily embraced with the fair judgement, the day was marked as a day in which justice ruled. Finally Taehyung and Jimin got what they deserve; they can finally live the happy life they want.. with no disturbance at all.

Soon Nahyun and Jungkook was carried out the courtroom along with their lawyer, Mr.Byun. And the court was dismissed as the judges left and so did the company, leaving Taehyung, Jimin and Mr.Im alone in a while.

Jimin grabbed the hand of Mr.Im and shook it genuinely, sincerely thanking for his effort to win the case.

"Thank you for your efforts, Mr.Im.. Thank you, really."

"Oh, Mr.Park.. it was my duty and Mr.Kim, do you remeber what I said when you came to me for the first time?"

Taehyung gave Mr.Im a genuine smile as he nodded. "Of course, Mr.Im. I was struggling so hard to find a lawyer who isn't homophobic and you said everyone is equal and love is free.. also you said me not to worry because," Taehyung looked at Jimin and gave him the softest smile, "Justice always wins,"

Jimin returned back the same soft smile as he hugged Taehyung from the side. After a little talk, Mr.Im excused hismelf to leave the premises. It was only Jimin and Taehyung left.

"We have to celebrate!" Jimin exclaimed jumping to Taehyung and wrapping his arms around his neck. Taehyung pecked Jimin's lips as he nodded.

"Of course we should.. our love won this time,"

Jimin chuckled and pulled Taehyung into a kiss, happily enjoying the precious moment. After a while Taehyung pulled apart and ran his thumb across Jimin's plump lips, smiling at him fondly.

"Now only our love life began properly.." He said. Jimin nodded and embraced Taehyung again, placing his ear on his chest hearing his heartbeat.

"I love you.."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin and embraced him tightly, kissing the top of his head.

"I love you the most.."


"I kinda feel bad for Nahyun though," Jimin said as he gently pulled Jiya's locks back, helping the sleeping beauty to have a good sleep. They were in Taehyung's bed and Jiya was sleeping in the middle of Jimin and Taehyung, having her perfect parents on either sides protectively.

"Don't be too kind Jimin.. She deserved everything. I can't believe all this time she was lying to me even with her own name," Taehyung grabbed Jimin's arm as he wrapped his leg around Jiya and Jimin. Jimin hummed and heaved a sigh.

"Our story is like in a movie.. so much plot twists,"

"Yeah.. but finally everything ended up so well," Taehyung said and leaned over Jiya to place a kiss on Jimin's forehead. Jimin smiled and gave kisses to both Taehyung and Jiya, whispering. "Let's sleep now.. today was tiring,"

Taehyung hummed and nodded, turning to the other side and switching off the bed lamp. Finally, the day he wished that would come has come.. the day he wished to share a bed with his beautiful partner and his beautiful daughter with no one threatening to their lives. He just couldn't be more happier; nothing needed for him to convince that he's the luckiest and the happiest person in the whole world.

The peaceful image of two of his most favourite people he loved the most was just enough.

His small world was finally completed properly.


[A/N : AHH I CAN'T 😭 I don't want this book to end and there's like two more chapters left!!!! 😭 I'm gonna miss this book so much oml 😭 And don't worry fellas I haven't forgotten about the special chapter *smirks* I'll try my best and hope you'll like it! Also please let me know your ideas about this chapter! Have a great day! Bye]

P.S : I am very sorry if I used any court terms wrong. I totally don't have any knowledge about law or anything. It was all made up and I'm sorry if it cringed.

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