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"Honey.. Mochi need some help," Jimin practically whined as he sat up on the bed and burst his own bubble after continuous thinking. Jiya kept away her story book and focused on Jimin as she giggled.

"To do what, Mochi? I'll do my best!"

Jimin chuckled and ruffled her hair, "There you go my little bunny.. Remember I told you that your Appa's gonna take us out for dinner today, huh?"

"Of course! I already have my outfit in my head. Say, Mochi.. you can't find something to wear.. right?"

Jimin dramatically opened his mouth and placed his hand on his chest, "How'd you know?"

"Well.. you I remember that you told me you didn't being any of your stuff but you came here a day early just because Mochi couldn't wait. So I kinda guessed,"

"Such a smartie," Jimin said and both of them laughed, Jiya jumping to his lap. Jimin embraced her and kissed the top of her head, "What do I do now?"

"Oh, Mochi.. Don't worry! I have a perfect solution,"

Jimin hummed, "Yes?"

"You can wear something from Appa's closet! They're all nice, you'll like it I'm sure,"

"But.. will your Appa be okay with it? What if he thinks I'm a bad boy?" Jimin said with a pout and Jiya giggled, pinching his rosy cheeks.

"No, he won't I promise. He already loves you alot and Appa will never think they're bad if he love them. See me.. I do alot of naughty things but he never thinks I'm a bad girl because he loves me alot!"

Jimin blushed but Jiya was too busy convincing Jimin about him not being a bad boy if he borrowed something from Taehyung's closet. Jimin knew that Taehyung has talked pretty much about Jimin with Jiya. It was good to know that Jiya understood that Taehyung do love him but it'll take her time to understand what kind of a love Taehyung has for Jimin since she's too little for it still.

Jimin stood up the bed as he helped Jiya to get down too. He smiled and took her hand. "Let's go find something, then. Appa will be here soon. Can you help me?"

Jiya nodded frantically as she dragged Jimin out their room to Taehyung's room. She let go of Jimin's hand and enthusiastically opened Taehyung's pretty large closet which was filled with expensive clothing as soon they entered the room.

Jimin watched Jiya having a war looking up and down the opened closet. He observed her with a fond smile as she searched for the perfect outfit for Jimin and in no time, her tiny hands carried a gorgeous silk white shirt with black leather pants.

"Mochi, see this. Do you like this?" Jiya asked copying those saleswomens' lines as she showed Jimin her choice. Clothing was too long for her to keep holding so Jimin took them in his hands, pretending to think hard.

"Um, I think.."

Jimin narrowed his eyes jokingly at Jiya who was looking at him with hopeful eyes, "This is perfect!"


"Yes! Thank you so much, honey.. You're the best!"

Jimin exclaimed and lifted Jiya up, carrying his clothes on his shoulder. Jiya laughed and kissed his nose, "No, Mochi's the best! I love you so, so, so.. much!"

Jimin felt like his heart just exploded. Of course it wasn't the first time Jiya said that she loves him, but the more she said, the more he felt happy. His heart flipped uo and down with overflowing happiness as his ears caught up her childish but innocent 'I love you'.

Jimin felt like he should protect this little bean from every harm and danger with all his might. He was already developing that verge and now that he has finally made himself a promise.

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