「Fifty Eight」

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The new and the fresh beginning of their love life was amazing. Not a single day passed without growing their love for eachother. Their bond was soft and fond, literally every second they spent together was very memorable.

Almost a month passed after that incident and Jimin was fully healed. Though there was still a visible mark left on his back, he didn't even care about it. He thought that it would remind him that he's ready take any risk to protect his family from anything. So, everytime Taehyung almost teared up checking the mark, Jimin would always convince him he really don't care about it anymore and in fact, that mark would remain as a memory.

Moving onto Jimin's hyungs, Hoseok and Yoongi, alot happened in the span of just two months. They bought a house just two or threee blocks away from Taehyung and Jimin and Hoseok bragged about how he found the perfect place the every chance he got. It helped Hoseok to bear up when Yoongi travelled overseas often and that he won't miss company. They settled up well.

Meanwhile Namjoon and Jin, alot happened in the span of two months for them too. Jin literally couldn't keep it for himself after getting used to Jiya so Namjoon had to agree with adopting a son around Jiya's age. He was named Kim Seokjoon became Jiya's best friend just in their first ever meeting. Jiya and Seokjoon literally chose to hang out everytime they could and it made Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon have occasional parental meetings. To be really honest, every single day was too great for all of them.

A one fine day came and that day way the most blessed day ever in history. The beach looked way prettier than a typical day with a ton of white decorations and the matching sea breeze.

The sun was halfway ready to set down when the all the people who gathered there rose up from their seats, welcoming Jimin, who was dressed ever so magically with a white suit, a white roses flower crown and a pretty veil covering his beautiful fa...

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The sun was halfway ready to set down when the all the people who gathered there rose up from their seats, welcoming Jimin, who was dressed ever so magically with a white suit, a white roses flower crown and a pretty veil covering his beautiful face and a part of it dropping down freely from his head to the golden sand..

The sun was halfway ready to set down when the all the people who gathered there rose up from their seats, welcoming Jimin, who was dressed ever so magically with a white suit, a white roses flower crown and a pretty veil covering his beautiful fa...

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As Jimin walked towards his soon to be husband, Taehyung, it really looked like if it was in a fairytale

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As Jimin walked towards his soon to be husband, Taehyung, it really looked like if it was in a fairytale.. Everything was so magical with the soft music playing in the background. As Jimin was stepping towards the aisle with Jiya holding his hand passing every witness and guest, Taehyung couldn't stand with the beautiful sight.

 As Jimin was stepping towards the aisle with Jiya holding his hand passing every witness and guest, Taehyung couldn't stand with the beautiful sight

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He covered his mouth with his hand as a happy tear rolled down his eyes, trying his best to keep standing instead of running to Jimin and kiss him. He watched with glassy eyes as jimin slowly stepped near him, Jiya swiftly moving aside to join Seokjoon, who was holding their rings next to them.

In no time, everything started. Seokjoon came and stood next to them along with Jiya as it was Taehyung's turn to say the vows. Taehyung took Jimin's hands ever so gently and smiled fondly at him, taking time to admire the precious beauty right infront of him. As Jimin smiled fondly in return, he genuinely started reciting his vows.

"I, Kim Taehyung take you, Park Jimin as my beautiful husband from this moment in front of all the witnesses presented here. I promise to love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow and keep you happy all the time. I promise to share all good and bad with you like you did with mine and to trust you wholeheartedly and respect you, and to protect you until the death tear us apart.."

Taehyung took Jimin's ring and put it in Jimin's ring finger, gently, and caressed it, heaving a satisfied sigh. Jimin too smiled fondly at his ring and took a deep breath, ready to say his vows.

"I, Park Jimin take you, Kim Taehyung as my husband infront of all the guests here. I promise to love you to the moon and back until my death and promise to protect you from all danger and harm as much as I can.. I promise to trust you and respect you with all my heart and to be with you through everything.."

He then took Taehyung's ring and put it in Taehyung's ring finger, his smile never leaving his lips. As their eyes met, they inched closer and captured each other's lips slowly and gently, sharing a passionate kiss. The loud cheers of the crowd and with rose petals thrown at them, sure the photographer could capture some magical photographs of the beautiful moment.

Finally, Jimin officially belonged to Taehyung and Taehyung officially belonged to Jimin.

Jiya ran to Taehyung and Jimin and hugged them both, kissing them as she expressed her happiness. Three of them looked like a family of angels..  beautiful family of angels.

The photographer looked like he has already made this shoot his favourite. A genuine smile was on his lips as they called Taehyung, Jimin and Jiya, making them look at him.

"Time for the family photo!"

Jimin and Taehyung quickly looked at the camera as Jiya wrapped her arms around her dads' necks, all three of them smiling from ear to ear.

"Say happy family!"



[A/N : I can't- I'm gonna miss writing this soo much and oh my god I can't- 😭😭 I personally loved this book so soo much.. The next chapter is gonna be the bonus chapter and please look forward! And the very next gonna be the Q/A and please prepare all of your questions. And thank you if you made this far! Bye loves]

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