Chapter 2

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  Once he walked into the kitchen everything just seemed to get louder, the kitchen was big but yet it somehow managed to be crowded. It seems like all the states were distracted so they didn't notice when America came into the room. America snuck by and got some food, which he assumed it was Texas' turn to cook tonight since it was chicken fried steak, not that he minded of course. He sat down at the table quietly, hoping he wouldn't be noticed and be dragged into whatever the states were arguing about. He was sat next to Rhode Island, the smallest out of them all and was pretty quiet, and Florida who was passing out as he was eating so they didn't say anything.

  California was all up in the fight, he was quite passionate about his views on certain things and would get pretty heated. Nevada was sat next to him, probably either drunk or high, if it was a bad day it might be both. Nevada took a second before he noticed America was home, coughing to try and get all the states attention. This, however, didn't work, and he grumbled before pulling on California's arm and when California didn't notice he just pulled California down. "America's literally sitting right there," Nevada said, the table goes silent as they looked at America.

  America let out a sigh, being really tired so when all the states started asking him questions he was quite annoyed. "One at a time you guys, geez..." He said, all the states quieting down. Texas looked at America, "How was it? Did South Korea and Japan get in?" He asked through his thick accent. He explained everything that happened, and once I was done they all just continued to talk about what they were talking about before, just a lot more civil since America was there. Hawaii and Alaska were the first to leave silently back to their shared room. After a bit the kitchen that had been filled with talking was empty, and it was America's turn to do the dishes tonight.

  He went to get started, Arizona and Nevada coming over and saying they'll do it since America seemed tired. America thanked them before heading up to his room and just collapsing onto bed, looking at his phone to see text messages from South Korea and Japan, they were just talking about the teachers and the school. He wanted to talk to them but was too tired and had to get up early again anyways. He was gonna get changed into something better to sleep in, but he found he couldn't get up and just ended up passing out.

  When America's alarm went off he quickly sat up, startled by the noise and he looked over at his alarm and quickly turned it off so he wouldn't wake the whole house up. He got up, sighing when he realized he fell asleep in the clothes he wore yesterday. He took a quick shower and got changed into a grey sweater with some blue jeans and his usual sunglasses, even though it was going to rain today. He left his room, heading downstairs and when he got to the living room he saw Florida. But thankfully, Florida was asleep with New York asleep next to him. It was...honestly kind of a cute sight to see even though New York has the biggest ego America's ever seen.

  America headed to the school, running into Japan and South Korea along the way so they walked together. As soon as they got to school it started raining, so they quickly headed inside, luckily none of them got drenched, or at least too badly.

  After they spoke for a bit they parted ways and all went to their own classes. America had Psychology first so he started to head to the classroom, making sure not to run into anyone on the way there. However, when he noticed he was going to be late he picked up the pace, accidentally running into someone much taller than himself, making him fall over.

  He thought he had run into either one of the teachers or U.N, but when he looked up at the person he had run into, he realized

It was Russia.


Thanks to whoevers reading this, if anyone at all oof.

723 words

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