Chapter 3

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  Russia looked down at America, scoffing a little before heading into class after mumbling a 'watch where you're going.' America didn't like Russia all that much...he had a worse relationship with Russias dad, Soviet, but Soviet wasn't around anymore and he wanted to have a good relationship with Russia.

  "What are you doing on the floor, America?" Greenland asked, looking down at America, and it seemed like they were going to share Psychology together. "I just ran into someone is all..." America said as Greenland helped up America. Greenland was a bit shorter than America, and he had winter clothes on despite his name, it's like him and Iceland dresses opposite of each other despite their names. Greenland headed in with America and they sat down at their seats, being a bit late but Sweden could have cared less.

  Sweden made sure to make the class entertaining, wanting to make a good first impression with everyone and luckily he did. After a couple of hours, the class had ended, and America was so close to passing out but luckily Greenland woke him up.

  Nothing really eventful happened through the rest of the day, however, when America was on his way out of school he saw India and Sweden talking to each other. He noticed that India seemed pretty awkward around Sweden, they were talking about something about the top Youtuber? He listened in for a bit before just leaving, heading outside where he was met with Japan and South Korea. They were talking about K-pop or something along those lines, America had listened to some of the music and he didn't hate it but he also didn't like it.

  Japan looked at America "Yo" he said, smiling at America a bit. "Did you hear?" South Korea asked, looking at America. "Hear about what?" America asked, how could there be rumors already on the first day.

  "Apparently you got competition, you know Russia? Well, he's a superpower now." South Korea explained to America. Superpowers are what they call the more 'popular' people in school, America never really paid attention to it and all he knew is that he was a superpower. Japan smirked a little, suddenly turning away and whispering something to South Korea, and South Korea almost choked on the drink he had.

  "What are you two planning..." America sighed, Japan and South Korea would usually hide some things from America, or mess with him. "Nothingggg, we're just gonna go and talk to U.N about the dorms, come on South Korea!" Japan said, grabbing South Korea's arm and quickly heading back inside and to the office.

  America grumbled a bit, not liking having people keep things from him. He started to head home, and on his way home he decided to take a short cut. He was looking at his phone when he realized he was walking down the street U.K lived on, and where America used to live with him until he decided he was independent. He wanted to stop by to see U.K and Australia and New Zealand since he missed them, but he also didn't want the states to get out of control so he just went home.

  When he got home he noticed Hawaii and Alaska were the only ones inside, and Alaska was cooking dinner tonight. "Where are the rest?" He asked the two, to which Alaska answered first, "They're outside trying to stop Florida from fighting a Crocodile that showed up while you were gone" He explained. America was not surprised at all, peaking outside and he saw Texas and New York doing their best to hold back Florida, who was yelling that he needed to do this.

  America just watched from afar, and soon the Crocodile just left after one of the states gave it something to eat. Florida was pissed that he didn't get to fight it, but oh well. They all headed inside where they ate, and for the most part, it was civil since America was there. America noticed that...California was on fire again? Nevada was sitting next to him, coughing a bit since all the smoke was coming over to him, so he moved closer to Utah, who got uncomfortable with Nevada being so close. Utah and Nevada were brothers but they were complete opposites, Utah was pretty religious and didn't like to drink or smoke, while Nevada wasn't too religious and you rarely see him sober.

  After dinner, America got the complaints from all the states like usual. He did the dishes along with Hawaii before heading upstairs, pretty tired from the long day. He checked his phone, not having any messages from Japan or South Korea which he found weird, but brushed it off. He got changed before heading to bed after doing some homework. 


Thank you for reading this trash haha

806 words.

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