I should like, write something

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Ive been thinking of writing something at some point, but I've been going through a bunch of fandoms recently so coming up with something is pretty hard, also I have a Lizard Brain and Im not the best at planning these kinds of things.

I am maybe planning on doing something with Levi and Eren, and I will make sure to make Eren 18+ because if I didnt that would be a BIG yikes and kinda, you know


But we're not here to discuss that, we're discussing how I'm planning on writing something.

Im mostly stuck on what kind of AU it should be, maybe just do some one-shots, who knows.

So what kind of AU's are you guys into in general? I have a few in mind such as just a college AU or some kind of Mafia AU.

However, one takes more brain power then the other.

So yeah

Tell meee what you guys are into AU wise, since I know most of you are here for Countryhumans and not AOT and probably dont even know what Im talking about.

However your opinions are still valid and would help a lot with my writers block.

So yeah, go ahead and tell me and who knows, maybe I can get a new book started!

See you guys in a bit, dont forget to stay hydrated and wash your hands!


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