Chapter 9

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  Russia was the first of the two to wake up, grumbling a bit before looking at the clock. Only about 3 more days until winter break. The Russian was exhausted because of all the school work, most of it being from India and China's classes. The other classes barely gave them any, or some straight up forgot. Such as Ireland, he would always say "I would give you homework, but I'll be honest, I forgot to."

  Russia got up and got ready, letting America sleep in a little bit more before waking him up as well. "Hey, get up and get ready." Russia said, shaking America who only groaned in response. That was until Russia opened the blinds to which America flinched from the sudden light, opening his eyes. "Fineeee" He whined out, getting out of bed and getting ready as fast as his body would let him. After America chugged some coffee the two left the dorm and headed off to school.

  When they arrived, the two couldn't help but notice Greenland and Iceland sitting together and talking, and it looked like they were enjoying each others company. America but his hand over his heart, mumbling "Oh my god thats adorable". Russia rolled his eyes a little, but in all honesty...he was kind of jealous.

  Not because he liked Greenland or Iceland, he just wished he could figure out his feelings as easily as they did. He tried to not think about it, and he said goodbye to America and America said goodbye to Russia as they headed to their classes.

  Over the next few days, everything continued as normal (Im a bit lazy if you cant tell). The first day of winter break was amazing, they were allowed to go home for the break and while America was greeted by warmth and lots of hugs from his states who missed him quite a lot apparently, Russia was greeted with the coldness of his home. Sure, he lived with all his siblings but...the coldness left by their father never left the house. Looking back at it now, it felt so weird, one second everything was fine and they were all hanging out, the next his dad was gone just like that.

  Russia pushed it to the back of his mind, like always, and decided to think about the good things, such as going to America's Christmas party.

  America was sitting at the dinner table, most of the states having already gone to bed. Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and California being the only ones left awake. They were all sitting in the living room, arguing about what to watch. While California wanted to watch a movie, Nevada wanted to watch the hockey game since the Golden Knights were gonna play. Wyoming and Pennsylvania said they were fine with anything. was mostly just California and Nevada arguing.

  They all just ended up deciding on going to bed. America stopped California before California got to his room. "Hey, Cali, could I talk to you for a second?" America asked, a bit nervous and California raised a brow and said sure. They stepped away from the rooms and America took a deep breath. "You're the love expert, I'm planning on asking someone ou-" He was cut off by California, "Oooo, who is it? I won't tell I swear, Im not Japan" California joked. America thought for a second, he trusted California pretty well despite how he acted. "It's..." He paused, "It's Russia."

  California almost choked on his own spit, which caused him to cough a bit before he gained his composure. "Alright, so you're planning on asking...Russia...out." California confirmed. "Im planning on asking him when I go to my dads Christmas party in a few days...I don't really know what to say, though..." America said.

  The Californian thought for a second, whispering something into America's ear and America nodded a bit. "Thanks Cali" America said, smiling a bit and California gave him a thumbs up before heading into his room. America sighed, before heading to his room and laid down on his bed after getting changed. He pulled out his phone, putting his earbuds in and turning on some music.

  He felt really anxious about asking Russia out and such. But he tried to not think about it, telling himself, "Thats an issue for future me, the me that is not here right now." He always told himself that, and it always seemed to calm him down for some reason.

  And with that, America slowly fell asleep.

  Not without getting that weird falling feeling though.


I swear these always look longer when Im writing them.

Alright so, about my NSFW question from last chapter. One of you brought up a pretty good idea. I could just make a one-shot book and make it NSFW, so that way everyone will be able to enjoy this book without it being rated mature.

What do you guys think? I've been wanting to make a one-shot book for a bit anyways after Im done with moving and not sick (Im sick again, yay).

So the one-shot book and keep this fluff, or add NSFW in this but warn when it's coming up?

Im honestly fine with either.

Thats my TED talk.

869 words.

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