Normal days

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My parents have high expectations for me as a young lady. They're always down my back about it. I'm expected to uphold a the court one day and I'm not sure I could do it. Currently my brother, Bex, and I are in the library. I told him I wasn't feeling to well so he came here with me. I'm three stories ahead of him and sitting behind a huge stack of books. Where are you? I heard in my head. That's Bex, since we are twins we have a mental bond that allows us to communicate. When one of us finds our mate we can drop this bond. I'm chilling in a stack around the 6th floor, I'm not bothering anything. Dad usually lets us roam. Mom prefers to know where we are going, but she will be alright. I hear a scoff in the bond, We need to be going, they will start worrying. Sometimes he gets on my nerves. Anyway, I guess it is time to get home.  I'll meet you at the bottom floor.

At Home

Once we got home our parents, along with the others were cutting up at the table. Bex walked over and joined them, I just continued walking past, but Momma stopped me. "Hey Nova, how was the library?" How the— "How'd you know I was there?" Dad look at mom, then back at me. "Your father asked Clotho, she usually lets us know." I can't believe it! These spies! Cassian cut in, "Your parents are just trying to keep you safe. Don't stress so much. It's better than Rhys getting in your head and looking through your eyes." Mom rolled her eyes. I seriously can't take these people. "Whatever and you don't have to keep stalking me and such. I can take care of myself. Cass and Az trained me to do so." Azriel didn't comment, just smirked. Calm down Nov-. They are just being "parents" I looked over at Bex and stuck my tongue out at him. I don't care, they need to give me space and such. I'm heading out. I knew the next question he was going to ask before he even asked it. Where to? I hadn't really decided yet, but I usually go one place. Possibly the Day Court. Helion and Sonny(his son) let me fly around out there. Bex cringed a bit. He didn't really like Sonny. Ok don't be out long. Preferably before dinner. Mom and Dad will blow a gasket if you aren't back. Without another word to my family I went up to my room. I changed out of my comfy clothes and put on my Illyrian leathers.

After changing and grabbing a snack out of my room, I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair. I pulled it up into a knot and walked over to my window—— it was my normal sneak out route. Opening it, I jumped out and swooped down with my wings. The Day Court was quite a ways away, but it wasn't horrible. So I began flying to the Day and let my thoughts go. I was a fast flyer so I'd get there in no time.

Right as I flew into the court, I was welcomed with warm lands and singing rays of sunshine. A little bit later I see Helion and Sonny down in a field, so I dropped down to say hello. They didn't looked surprised to see me here. "Hello, Miss Nova," Helion has such a bubbly voice, Sonny just nods. "Heya Helion, just thought I'd fly around a bit. Getting away from such a stressful place." Helion let out a rumble of a laugh and said, "You're welcome anytime you like young lady." With that being said I jumped into the sky. My dark black hair just flowing behind me. I masked my sent so no one could follow me and went to the corners of his court. Only stopping when I heard Bex say. Get home now. Dad is pissed.

Author here!!!
Helloooo! This is my first story so I'm kinda nervous if anyone will like it or not. If you don't like it I won't write anymore, hehe. I'm kinda new at this anyway. If you have any requests you can let me know. Anyway, have a good day everyone!

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