The throwdown

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We didn't play for very long, Bex rang in my head wondering where the hell I was. As a reply, I just told him I was at the library with Titus. Which was the the truth, yet I don't see how it matters. You mind coming back now, we're all going to go eat at a diner in town. Bex had said to me. I sent a pulse instead of words for him to know I was coming. "Hey Titus, we have to head back now. Everyone's going to eat at a diner in town. Don't know which one though."

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, careful of my wings. As a way to play back, I reached under him, grabbed his ankle and flipped him over, pinning him to the floor. "Don't worry, I knew it was you." Titus laughed and tried to go up and lean in for a kiss. I put my finger on his lip and pushed him back down. His shoulder length blonde hair was as soft as silk under my fingers. "Now if you're done playing around. We need to be going." He nipped at my finger and I pulled it back.

Giving a helping hand, I pulled him up and said, "let's go you Bastard." He laughed and said back, "Ouch Sugar, you hurt my pride." I turned to face him, "I'm sure you still got some left." I stretched my wings getting ready to fly out of the sky light we put in for Bryaxis, but Titus stopped me, "No, we're going to winnow. It's quicker. Now hold my hand." I did as he said and took him by the hand and we winnower in.

Before I could take in my surroundings I heard shouting. Bex more specifically and dad. My brother had Titus pushed up against the wall by the collar of his shirt and was screaming into his face. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER!? HUH?" He slammed him up against the wall. "HUH?!" Bex threw him to the ground, climbed on top of him and started punching him. Mom and dad were shouting too, but I wasn't focused on them. Then I got involved. I ran after Bex and tackled him off of Titus. "Get off of him! You bastard!" I screamed at my brother.

Talons sprang from both of our hands and we started slicing at each other. He managed to land a cut right on my cheek, but I managed to get him right on the top of his wing. He groaned out in pain and aimed for mine. I tumbled over and he pulled up directly on top of me. My knee slammed up between his leg and I pushed him back over so I was on top. With every word I said, I threw a punch at his face. "You!" Punch. "Cauldron!" Punch. "Damned!" Punch. "Bastard!" Next thing I knew hands were around my waist pulling me off of Bex.

Fighting against the hands holding me, I kept aiming for Bex. "LET ME GO!" I yelled. Someone grabbed Bex too, it was Helion. He was pulling Bex from me. My dad came into my head with some caking words, he was always better at handling things then mom. Nova, you need to stop this. He's your brother. I responded out loud. "He was attacking Titus! That bastard of a brother I have!" Mom had looked over and said something to Levi, Thesan's Lover, and he walked towards me. A shock entered my body.

I surged around because he had electrocuted me. "UGHHHH AAAAHHH!" I was panting. Damn his Lightning! I forgot he had that ability. Dad had me pinned to the ground. Helion had Bex pinned down. "Does anyone want to tell me what the Hell is going on?" Dad had said. Bex answered him, blood spitting out of his mouth as he did so. "I could read his thoughts about Nova, see the mental pictures. That dirty, horny, bastard!"

He did not just say that. "You've got it all wrong! I kissed him! He did nothing that I didn't push myself!" All eyes trailed on me. "This is all on me!" My cheek was bleeding still. I felt it dripping down my face. Everyone was silent. Dad had let me go, Helion had let go of Bex. Mom had stepped in, "Both of you!" She looked at Titus too, "You too! Get to the house, Now!" We were escorted to the house by Helion, Tamlin, Dad, and everyone else. This couldn't be good.

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