Oh Dear

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As soon as I get the word from Bex to head back, I began doing so. Without a word to Helion or Sonny. My mind was racing with thoughts on what could have happened. Was someone hurt? Am I in trouble? It seemed like a long flight back.

As I crossed the barrier that divided the Day and Night Court I got another word from Bex. Come through the skylight. I figured I'd do as Bex said. So as soon as I got to the house, I went to the roof and opened the skylight. I jumped down and landed in the middle of the living room. Cassian was seated to the left of Nesta and Mor on the couch, Elain standing next to the door, Mom and Dad standing by the mantle, Bex was next to Cassian. Azriel was in the shadows like usual.

"What's going on here?" I said wearily. Dad looked at mom. Mom glancing at him then looking back at me. I didn't receive an answer from anyone. Bex, what's everyone doing? He looked at me and shrugged. "What ever you are saying you two can say it out loud." Dad stated. "Well is anyone going to answer me?" Cassian is someone I could always rely on. Which was true because he said, "There's a highlords meeting coming up and we are attending it at the Winter Court." I must of looked confused because Azriel came out of the shadows and Bex stepped closer. "Do you guys care to elaborate?" Mom finally opened her mouth. "Well you have to go with us. And all the other Highlords are bringing their kids." I put both hands in the air. "Why is that a bad thing?" Morrigan said, "We are telling you this because there is going to be someone there you don't like..... at all."

Mom through a look at Bex, which meant something because he looked at me and said in my mind Arlo Vanserra. I started to lose my shit. "What the actual fuck! If you guys knew he was going to be there then why are you making me go?" Dad stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder. "I know you don't like politics, but one day you will have to help Bex run the court." Oh my gosh. I put my hand on my forehead and sighed. "When do we leave." Mom , Dad, and Bex all said in unison. "Two days."

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