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My brain hurts. I knew like nothing on that goddamn Math state exam it was basically graphs and geometry and fucking pi was in there and a whole lotta other bs I don't know the only things I knew was the stuff about two-step problems and translations. When the exams were over I just watched NicoB play persona 5 again and slept. Fun fact I actually kept my Kokichi pillow with me to help me sleep after I finished. I only fail any other class cuz I don't do work... cuz I'm a lazy asshole but in math I actually have trouble so my mom doesn't expect as much. She knows I'm bad at math so she lets lower grades for that subject slide, like she says that she wants me to get at least a B+ in every subject but it's ok if I get a C+ or B- in math and that's fine by me. I got in trouble with my ELA teacher for watching the Persona 5 play through. I don't usually use my phone in that class cuz I hand it in for extra points but I was to mentally (and physically) exhausted to make responsible decisions. AND ALSO MRS. KLIES, MR.CONNERS LET ME ISE MY PHONE IN CLASS AND GO ON THE LAPTOP SO FUCK YOU! I'm sorry... there are also a lot of things I wanna rant about like, opinions on DR ships and stuff. But mostly I wanna talk about my opinions on the NDRV3 ships. Should I do that? Would you people mind if I did that? Well anywho you probably want a head cannon, considering that's what this book it called. But I mostly talk about stuff like this cuz it's my most popular book so more people would see it. Alright so here is today's head cannon:

Izaru Kamakura got out-dabbed by Kokichi

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