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Why is like all of my family members telling me I'm straight, like bitch you don't know that I don't even know that! Ya hoe has never had a crush in her life so like how are we so sure I'm straight. My cousin is a lesbian and I was in the car with my mom and, my cousin hasn't come out yet, but my mom guessed and my cousin told me and my mom in the car with just the two of us was like "you don't have to come out and tell your family that your gay" and my undecided ass wanted to say well we don't know that" but I was to scared to say it. Like I'm just a child I don't need a relationship I know twelve year olds with a love life that extends beyond "Miu is hot af 10/10 wifu" (which she is) and they having boyfriends and shit. Hell one of my friends has already lost her verginity at age 14 and my other friend is like "yo *insert my name here* I can get you de-pruded if you want" I'm just like "can I read my gay shit in peace without all you children juulling and doing sexual acts?"

So long story short my family "knows" I'm straight can all these children stop juuling and I relized that I actually DONT know the difference between bi and pan and someone needs to educate me

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