Cheesy happy things and shit

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You know how "nothing lasts forever" is usually used in a negative connotation? Well here's a way it can be positively used. If your feeling depressed, or alone, if you suffering and in pain and you just want everything to end remember that nothing lasts forever and those tough times will pass that fear and anguish you have in your heart will burn out but you have to believe it will. Happiness will come to you and the more you try to catch it's attention the quicker your happiness will come! So that means no s*lf h*rm or s*icide/ s*uicidal thoughts! 💞💞 also if you think your alone and nobody understands you and nobody loves you just remember that there's like over 8 billion or something and it's scientifically impossible to be alone so cheer up if you get sad tell me and I'll try my best to make you feel better and if you think your ugly than YOU ARE SO FUCKING WRONG YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON ON THIS PLANET OK! I WILL REMIND YOU OF THAT YOU GOT IT! YOU ARE PRETTY! YOUR ARE SMART! YOUR ARE LOVE! YOU ARE WANTED! YOU ARE VALID! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

- with love from Author~Chan 💞

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