My cousin and I wrote eachother on my notes for two hours in a car

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No offense but I just want you guys to go to your own home
Exactly but no one cares how we feel
They just think we're complaining for no reason
Exactly. I said I wasn't hungry and didn't want to eat, and I got attacked for it. Like ik my own body if I don't wanna eat I don't wanna eat. Can we just please eat. It's mainly my mom
Ik but it's like why eat when we can just go home. Like just because she's hungry doesn't mean we all are and want to
Yeah we're all tired but now I won't be able to relax and do this shit I've been wanting to do all week we just spent a whole week together and we've been in the car with each other all day I just wanna chill alone
I'm sure you dog wants to get home as well along with grandma and the others but noooooo my mom is insisting on us eating dinner together
It's quite annoying considering we had every single meal together since Saturday. And the fact that we were watched like hawks all weekend and had to spend every waking moment with Courtney. I'm kinda tired of seeing people
Same she's the one that brought it up and shens the one that forced us to spend all that time with Courtney I get that we only have a week with her but it's not like we're never seeing her again she's just a huge pain in the ass and trust me you don't know the worst of it
I can tell that there is always more. She's such a pain and so fake to people who don't know her. And the fact that she is insisting we eat and how grandma is trying to force food down my throat is kinda annoying
Yeah it's like you've said multiple times that you arnt hungry yet they keep asking one meal no eaten doesn't mean death why don't they just leave it alone
Exactly. Like ik y'all are deaf but come on. And grandad  is worse having to explain every little thing to him
Honestly we both just wanna be alone at our own homes but I bet my mom would say something like "why not spend more time with them" we are all tired and I feel sick from being in a  car all day and it's not like we're the only ones other people might wanna just go home to but my mom being the controlling witch that she is is forcing everyone to have dinner and she'll probably complain about it later
Most likely. It's like can she realize that's she is doing this.
No she's to much of a self conceded narcissist
She has always been like that. But it's so much worse now
Both my parents are bad at least grandma has mental stability which is more than I can say for my parents
I don't wanna be like them but shit parents raise a shit kid and they won't take responsibility for the things that I do especially my mom she blames all my bad traits on my dad
Ik I hear it all the time. She acts like she doesn't have bad traits and she is a perfect angel
Don't forget that she thinks she's always right
Can't forget that
She never wants to admit it and always plays the victim
It's so annoying.
She always says that she doesn't like being treated like trash meanwhile she always treats me like trash she's always taking my stuff without telling me like it belongs to her it's so annoying
It's quite annoying to listen too. Like how do u treat people like that. And she says everyone else is crazy
She always complains about dad wasting money and them having no money yet she buys things all the time and you can tell that's seriously rubbed off on me
Yep ofc and she's always like oh Laura saves her money she can buy a car and stuff. Like one I don't want a car and two don't put me on blast like that. I save my money and have money because I don't money on shit I don't need. I'm not that impulsive
She's always pushing me to buy something I don't like it when people offer to buy me something cuz than I feel obligated to get something and I feel guilty when I don't
Right even with me. Or when we're at an amusement park or something. Like if i don't want it or like it why have the person buy it's completely useless.
I can't turn someone down when they ask for something because half the time my mom forced me to take things
That's how u get on hoarders
Have you seen our house out whole place is filled with her shit
I have. I think she feels obligated to keep peoples gifts even if she doesn't want or need it. Or just impulse buys that she doesn't need or want as well.
Yeah lien she doesn't need 5000 of the same bags from Cracker Barrel "for gifts" I mean Christmas is over I get that February is busy cuz there's a lot of birthday but really? She got like 5 of the exact same bag
IKR When we ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel she got this huge amount of things and then when we stopped to use the bathroom at another one grandad blamed grandma for buying something when ur mother was buying more bags "for gifts" at least grandma was gonna use the card right away. And it was the smallest thing you could probably buy
Yeah grandma bought a litteral pice of paper she could easel keep with her yet my mom got like 3 bags worth of stuff
Exactly and for what.
"Gifts" I guess
Ugh we're still an hour away and then were gonna have to eat with them 😔
You know how she makes me fetch everything for her like she's crippled and can't do anything by herself
Ik. Like get up ur self and get it. Like I'll do it for grandma cause she's older and kinda can't do everything but she's not old old. She can walk up a flight of stairs or the other room to get something
One time I just got out of the shower and was only in a towel and went downstairs to go grab my phone charger (from my mom) and she told me to let the dogs out, while I was standing there, in a towel, wet, and it was freezing cold out and she was fully dressed and she made me do it
That's stupid. Like shes siting right there and ur in a towel straight from the shower
And if I even dare to complain about one thing I get in trouble and she shuts off my internet for the stupidest reasons
IKR like what's the point. Her way of parenting is so weird.
One time while I was getting ready for school she called me but after I picked up the connection cut off and she called me back asking "did you hang up on me on purpose" and I said no but she heard me say yes somehow hung up on me and shut off my internet I was really pissed just I just thought she shut if off for no reason and she was yelling at me for being confused and angry
That's so stupid. One she could of just went to ur room. And two how do u hear yes outta no?
Idol but never in my life have I hung up on my mom without thinking she said bye first and sometimes she never says bye and sometimes she yells at me for hanging up before she says bye and tells me to never hang up before she says bye
But like if ur done talking and don't say bye like what u supposed to do stand there like an idiot
I just keep saying bye to her and eventually she yell at me to just hang up the phone
That's so stupid I can never win
Nobody can win against her but you have a good chance at trying to I just can't defend myself against her I have no power against her if I say something she doesn't like she'll just turn off my internet but she can't do anything to you
That sucks. I can't wait for u to get out of that
Neither can I, trust me
This is why I'm going to college far away
And keeping in touch with only the people you like
Yup. Can't wait for that. And I think ur mom is like my mom in moving away. Like I'll be like o I'm gonna do this or that. Move here or there. And my mom would be like oh I'd be like no.
Off topic but all this talk about how my mom acts reminded me of how bratty Brianna and Casey are because their moms never discipline them and it's really annoying
o yeah thats kinda annoying.
It really annoys me when I see Brianna saying stuff like "oh I deserve this because of my living situation" like ik that her living situation is bad with all of the shit people living with her but she sounded so entitled
I have a shitty situation too do u see me sound like a brat about. No. Like I try and be humble about it.
I don't remember if you were there but I remember one time Brianna was bragging about crying to get black and white cookies cuz the backers was out and they needed more so she made her mom ask the backers to make more for her
She's such a brat. Like don't get the damn cookies.
And she wants so many things despite being practically poor and Claudia is no better she basically extorts Angelo for child support and she never EVER disciplines Brianna
Like ever. And Angelo is working 2 shitty Paying jobs and pays for things like briannas phone, AirPods and child support which is really high for someone who works shitty jobs and doesn't keep the same job for more than a couple years
And all he asks for in return is daily calls from Bree and she complains her ass off about it whenever I hear her mom tell her to call Angelo she'll be like "ugh do I have to" it so annoying and entitled and she told me one time that she wanted me to take a hit of juul because it was a normal teenager thing and she's offered to get me de-prudded I'm sporty I don't wanna make out with someone I don't know and shorten my life span like "a normal teenager"
Juuling is so bad for you. And it sucks that kids these days are using it like it's lotion
She always nags me about it like she's trying to destroy my life
It's really peer pressure. Like if u were to do something it would be because u wanted to
Yeah she was like "what harm will on hit do" umm idk maybe start a lifelong addiction that will destroy my life?
I mean I've hit a juul and some other stuff and nothings ever happened but people are like that we're they take one hit and then get addicted
Yeah I'd rather not take that risk I'll be staying clean thanks
Exactly and what's wrong with that
Brianna is just so selfish she never asked to hang out with me even tho she claims that I'm the most important friend to her she stays out past midnight with her friends, she gets into fights and she's on her third goddamn pair of air pods all purchased by Angelo
Exactly and she acts like she is so cool when she really isn't. She should help out her mother, thank her father more, and care about the people who wanna help her.
Yeah she basically abuses her mom she refuses to help her curses her out behind her back and once wishes for her to die meanwhile her mom is like "Bree can you please get this for me" or "Can you please look for something else that isn't chicken nuggets"
Ik and it's like one day it's gonna come crashing down and what does she have? Nothing but her juul and friends that probably don't care about her
She's always bragging about abusing teachers and skipping class and her guy friends slapping her ass all the time like calm down sis those arnt good things
Exactly that's becoming a crackhead or those super seniors that are never in class
She always claims that I'm so important to her yet she never ever talks to me first
Right. I remember for ur birthday post she's like oh she's my best friend so important to me yet y'all never see each other unless it's some party
And whenever we're together she's always looking at her "cooler friends" Snapchat stories and not talking to me even tho I'm trying to talk to her but she ignores me and I get bored and look at my phone leaving me to be yelled at my mom for looking at my phone and not talking to Bree
Exactly and it's like what are u supposed to do she obviously doesn't care
She's such a shitty friends I always comfort her when she's annoyed and she moved does anything for me

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