Kokichi pees his pants

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Miu didn't deny it when anyone implied—or even outright said—that she craved cock.  It was true, she did.  She knew everyone thought she was weird and crude and awkward and perhaps they were right about that too, but she wasn't about to let that bring her down.  She'd had such a shitty life before getting trapped with a bunch of hot people in the prison school, and she'd be damned if she couldn't get at least one of them to agree to have sex with her.  She was, if nothing else, a beautiful genius.  Why wouldn't anyone want to fuck her?

So after a few dozen pep talks convincing herself that she wouldn't be rejected—because who the hell would say no to her?—she went straight to the top of her "I'm-Not-In-Love-I-Just-Wanna-Fuck" list and confronted him the next time he came looking for her to make him a new invention.


"What?"  Her face flushed with embarrassment at being rejected so flatly, but she tried her best to scoff and appear unaffected.  "Why the hell not?  I'm fucking beautiful!  What are you, blind?  Why wouldn't you wanna have sex with me?"

She'd even gone though the trouble of finding condoms and sticking one wrapper between her tits.  It was going to be sexy, and he was ruining it.  Kokichi just stared at her, clearly unimpressed.

"Iruma, you didn't ask me to have sex with you, you big idiot."  She was about to protest—she definitely had!—when he continued.  "You asked if I'd shove my dick in you.  I only said no to that."

"...That makes no fucking sense."  It sounded like he was down for fucking, but he wouldn't use his dick for it?  Unless he was only up for eating her out or fingering her, that didn't seem very logical.  And having sex with her and not getting something out of it didn't seem very Kokichi-like either.  "Will you fuck me or not?"

Kokichi didn't answer at first, seemingly debating something.  As if he needed to decide if he trusted her.  Kokichi didn't really seem to place much trust in anyone—and she couldn't criticize him for that, because it wasn't like she did either—and she figured her dreams of having Kokichi's cock were dashed.  Sure, they did spend a lot of time together since he commissioned so much from her, but to say he trusted her, well, she wouldn't hope for that much.

"...If you tell anyone about this, I'll cut your tongue out and choke you with it."  She shivered at the intense look that came to his face, coupled with an authoritative tone.  Fuck, he was hot when he got like that.  Terrifying, but hot.  "I can't believe I'm going to show this to a slut like you..."

Her clit throbbed at his words, the feeling only intensifying when he began undressing, starting by removing his scarf—shit, she thought, he had nice collarbones—and then his shirt.  His torso bare, he gave her an expectant look.  Admittedly, she knew she could be a little oblivious about things despite her genius, but she really didn't know what she was supposed to say.

"...Am I supposed to be turned off by those scars or some shit?  Cause I can barely see them.  If you were sick or something—" The moment the word sick left her mouth, Kokichi's face twisted into a sneer that made her cower.  "S-sorry!  I was in the hospital a lot too!  It's nothing to get upset over!"

"...You really don't know what this means, do you?"  While irritated, he seemed to calm down a little.  She had no idea why he'd gotten so pissed off in the first place though.  When she shook her head, he sighed dramatically.  "Fine, I guess I'll have to get straight to the point then, since you're too oblivious to understand!"

His hands paused at his belt just long enough to be noticeable.  Was he really that nervous?  Because now that he wasn't mad, she could feel the heat pooling between her legs again.  She was going to get to see his cock!  She salivated as his pants fell to the floor, leaving him clad in bright boxers.  She was a little disappointed not to see a tent in them, but she didn't get to think about it too hard when he quickly pulled those down too, kicking them off and leaving himself nude.

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