I try my hand at a short story

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She woke up to the cold, somewhat soft feeling of grass. She couldn't comprehend what happened it was almost like a dream but she never remembered her dreams being this accurate to the real life counterpart. Sitting up she took in her surroundings. She was laying on a field of grass that had a variety of flowers sprinkled about she couldn't name all of them but recognized a few. She looks around more noticing a large cherry blossom tree on top of a small hill. She tried to stand up, her attempt being somewhat successful at first but she lost her balance and fell back down. It was than she realized that her simple camp t-shirt and old sweatpants she went to bed in were now replaced with a silky white dress that went down to her knees, the dress didn't have sleeves, nor was she wearing any shoes so she could feel the painstakingly accurate feeling of that grass. She attempted to get up again this time succeeding in doing so, she gave herself a little victory cheer and looked around some more. She could notice other large trees in the distance but now in the way a forest would be but similarly to the way the cherry blossom was standing right in front of her, on a small hill. She decided to take a closer inspection at the cherry blossom examining some of its fallen petals, or so they seemed to be... the petals were charred black seeming set ablaze before the petals could touch the ground. Like any normal person, she found this strange, unsettling even. She had no clue as to why they petals were burnt. Growing more curious she reached her hand to the tree.

Than she woke up

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