Just a little psa

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Hello everyone I'm your host Kokichi_Oma the author of this book I have a few things to say.

1. If something in this books offends you or makes you uncomfortable tell me and I will edit or delete it, some of these chapters are very opinionated and I get it if you don't agree opinions vary from person to person and let's just say 14 year old me was kinda a bitch-
2. I am open to criticism. While this book is basically me having a seizure I still would like to improve my writing. Also please praise me as well I like attention.
3. If you have a headcannon or something like that tell me! I can put it in this book and I promise I will credit you
4. This book has 200 chapters wtf
5. Wait why are there so many votes and views and comments and shit you people actually like this? Why?
6. Did you drop something? I hope it's you standards hi nice to meet you-
7. If you wanna know more stuff about me than I can make a chapter about myself if enough people want it. Did I mention I like attention?
8. I should probably get back to doing my homework
9. If you need to vent or something I'm always here and ready to listen~
10. Have a lovely day and thank you for everything

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