Happy birthday Miu Tits Iruma (im late but still)

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Me: Happy birthday Baby Girl
Miu: thanks bae
Me: I like your tits
Miu: I like my tits to
Me: that's great
Miu: you wanna lesbian with me
Me: sure sis

Kokichi: they didn't fuck (surprisingly) they just talked about how much they like each other's boobs
Me: you do the same thing with shuichi
Kokichi: we didn't have boobs
Me: you guys have dicks tho
Shuichi: you do talk about how, and I quote, "your big fat dick up my small wet ass, now cum inside me daddy and spank me harder"
Kokichi: the fuck else do you want me to say your hot as shot now let's go have sex
Shuichi: ok- waitrightnow-
Kokichi: *pulls Shuichi into bedroom*

Me: and they fucked

That's gay

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