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"your finally here"
i say pulling annie inside

"its literally 7:30 pm, i'm not even late"

"i need help"


"she doesn't have a present for johnny"
lauren but's in

"i do but i have an another idea and i need
your help"
i say rummaging through my draws

"what's your idea"

"to put loads of the souvenirs we've gotten when
we've gone places together in a frame"
i say laying out a bunch of tickets, notes and

"that's so cute do it"
annie says excitingly


"come on"
i tugg on johnny's hand whilst lauren ties a
bandanna over his eyes

lauren being the extra person she is decided
to make the whole party decoration thing a big

lauren excitedly squeals

he looks around

"you guys did all this for me"

lauren happily nods

"geez you to must love me then"
he says pulling us into a big hug

"yeah nah, i just helped cause kenzie was
screaming at me"

"no i wasn"

"yes you were"
lauren demands


8:49 pm

"KeNzIe CoMe DaNcE wItH mE"
lauren drunkly slurs

"lauren i think you've had a bit to much
to drink"

i pull her over to a chair and grab her a water

"nO kEnZiE, iM hAvInG fUn"

"your gonna regret when you have a crazy
headache tomorrow"

"CoMe On"
she says grabbing me and pulling me over to
the dance floor

"no lauren"
i laugh watching her do all sorts of fortnight

"hey, can i steal lauren for a bit"
i turn and see a beautiful person standing
before me

"yeah of course, good luck"
i say making my way over to annie

"bro who was that"
i ask annie


"the one that comments on all of her pictures"


i squeal

annie joins in

no feelings || jenzie Where stories live. Discover now