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The first few periods were especially boring - for all students - so it was a relief when the bell rang for lunch. The group sat at their usual table, wishing they were old enough to leave campus.

"Look at this slop - it's like they got the leftovers from the previous week and put it all in a giant blender," Betty complained.

"It's not that bad," Kevin grinned, "Back home, that is literally what they did. Well, what they used to do, minus the blender. The chefs were fired after a dozen complaints led to a health hazard court case."

"Okay, Kevin's old school wins worst food, hands down," Archie said, smiling at Kevin, who looked up, and smiled back.

"My school in New York had the best food," Veronica starts, "okay, maybe not the best, but it was pretty good." the table fell silent.

Soon enough, Cheryl Blossom, captain of the Rivervixens, made her way over to their table.

"Scooch over, please, Betty?" Cheryl smiled. She sat next to Betty on the already squished bench.

"Hi, I'm Cheryl Blossom, and you are?" She looked at Veronica.

"Veronica. Lodge." She said.

"Pretty name," Cheryl now turned her gaze to Kevin, who was focusing on his food. "What's your name, v-neck?"

Kevin looked up, not realising that someone was talking to him. After a pause, he realised that everyone was looking at him. "Oh, Kevin Keller. Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure," Cheryl responded. "Veronica, are you perhaps interested in cheerleading? You look like the type," Cheryl looked her up and down, which wasn't exactly easy, considering they were sitting at a table.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Veronica narrowed her eyes. Cheryl didn't respond, so Veronica gave in. "I used to be cheer captain. Is there a team here?"

"In fact, yes there is. And yours truly is the captain," Cheryl beamed.

"When are tryouts?"

"After school," Cheryl explained. "Betty, why don't you try too? We're always welcoming new members."

"You've never asked me to join before. Actually, you literally rejected me. Remember?" Betty scolded.

"Mhmm. What happened in freshman year stays in freshman year. Besides, I think you'd make a great fit for the team,"

"I'll think about it. Thanks, Cher."

The school day came to an end, and Kevin and Archie were the only ones in the student lounge. Betty and Veronica were at cheer tryouts, and Jughead had gone home. Kevin was reading a book, of which Archie couldn't see the cover. Archie was on his phone, taking a Buzzfeed quiz to see which Friends character he was. Hmm, Joey.

"Kevin," Archie looked up.

"Archie," Kevin replied.

"How are you getting home?"

"Bus. Why?"

"I'm waiting for Betty and Veronica. We're going to Pop's, do you want to come? I can drive you," Archie offered.

"Let me check with my dad," Kevin put a bookmark between the pages to hold his place, and put his book down. 'They Both Die at the End,' read the title. He took his phone out of his pocket and started typing. Archie found himself staring, and immediately broke his gaze. He began to fidget with his phone case. Soon enough, B & V skipped down the hallway, into the student lounge, falling onto the lounge next to Kevin and Archie.

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