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Jughead, Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs were all sat around the small campfire at Sunnyside Trailer Park. Fangs had brought marshmallows along with him, so they could roast them.

Sweet Pea and Fangs had discussed telling their friends about their relationship before the other two had gotten there. They decided to tell them, they didn't want to hide it anymore.

"Fangs and I have something to tell you," Sweet Pea said. Jughead and Toni looked up from the fire, and directed their focus to the two boys.

"We've already found our soulmates," Fangs looked down.

"You have?" Toni lit up. "Well, spill! Who? Oh, Sweet Pea, is it that Josie girl? She seemed to be checking you out today, and I saw her talking to you. Fangs, I don't know about you. The smart looking one? With the brown satchel?"

"No, no. You don't... You don't get it. We're, uh, we're soulmates. Me and Fangs," Sweet Pea half-smiled.

"Fangs and I, Sweet Pea," Jughead corrected, not sure what else to say.

"No, Fangs isn't your soulmate. He's mine." Sweet Pea frowned, confused.

"No, I was correcting you," Jughead scoffed.

"Well, what d'you say?" Fangs asked, hoping for his friends to be happy for them. They were silent for a moment.

"How long have you known?" Toni did that frown that she did when she was either angry or upset.

"Oh, uh, a while," Fangs muttered.

"Huh, and you just didn't tell us," Toni stood up. "I bet it's been months. Actually, we've known each other for years. You've probably known for years. Or the entire time you've known each other."

"Toni-" Sweet Pea started, but was interrupted by Toni

"Save it," She murmured, turning her heel. She headed to her uncle's trailer without glancing back.

"Uh, congrats, I guess. I don't really know what to say. But I kind of agree with Toni, you should've told us sooner. That's not the kind of thing you keep from your best friends," Jughead pursed his lips, and strode back to his own trailer.

Fangs looked up at Sweet Pea, tears forming in his eyes. Sweet Pea looked at his boyfriend sympathetically, and wrapped his arms around him.

The next few days were less painful for Betty and Jughead. They were seeing each other less, since Jughead had found other friends to stick with. Betty couldn't help but wonder if his soulmate was that short girl who was always with them. She tried not to let it get to her. Funny how he never mentioned this girl to Betty.

After school at the end of the week, Betty invited Veronica, Archie and Kevin to Pop's. This was becoming a weekly thing. Veronica had to decline, as her mother wanted her to come home straight after school.

The three of them sat in their usual booth at Pop's, Betty and Kevin on one side of the booth, facing Archie. Betty hadn't worn her hair in a ponytail since the day Kevin came to her house to comfort her. Archie was surprised by this, as he barely saw her without her signature ponytail.

"So, who's that girl Jughead's hanging out with all the time?" Betty asked, slurping her strawberry milkshake.

"Oh, Toni? They're just friends. Have been for a while," Archie replied. "Why, you jealous?"

"What? No! I was just asking!" Betty said defensively.

"Mm-hmm," Kevin laughed. "You're jealous."

"Am not! It's just that he never said anything about her, for some reason. You said they've known each other for a while, how come he never mentioned her? What's her name again?" Betty swirled her straw around in her milkshake.

"Toni... Topaz? I think?" Archie narrowed his eyes in concentration.

"Nope, he never mentioned her. I wonder why?"

Luckily for Betty, Toni Topaz was not Jughead's soulmate. Toni hadn't met her soulmate, but she had a gut feeling that it would be soon. Jughead had given up hope, believing that the universe had nothing in store for him.

"I still can't believe you and Betty just aren't soulmates anymore," Toni looked up at Jughead through her dark lashes.

"Can you- could we maybe not talk about it? Please?" Jughead sighed, rubbing the spaces between his eyes and his nose.

"'Kay, sorry Jones," she muttered. She directed her gaze to the sparking fire in front of her. "D'you think Fangs and Sweet Pea would forgive us for being... for not supporting their relationship?"

"I mean, probably, if we- if you apologised," Jughead looked up at Toni.

"If I apologised? You didn't seem that supportive of it either!" Toni nearly yelled, feeling a pang of resentment toward him.

"You're the one that stormed off, Toni." She sighed, realising that he was right. Toni stood up, and started to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going? What, is it what I said? I'm--" Jughead turned to look at Toni, feeling confused.

"No, it's not what you said. I just need to go make amends," she cut him off before he could apologise.

Sweet Pea and Fangs were alone together in Fangs' trailer. They used this to their advantage, but were interrupted by a loud knock on the trailer door. Sweet Pea broke away from the smaller Serpent, cursing under his breath.

"What do you- oh. Toni," Sweet Pea pursed his lips.

"Oh, Sweet Pea, you're here too. Great," Toni smiled up at her friend.

"What do you want, Topaz? Fangs called from the sofa, throwing his shirt back on.

"I don't want to know what was just going on here," Toni waved her hand, gesturing at Fangs, who was blushing immensely. "I'm here to apologise. I should've supported you guys when you told me you were soulmates. For that, I'm really sorry. I'm your friend, and I should be there for you, no matter what."

Fangs and Sweet Pea exchanged eye contact, Sweet Pea's eyes saying 'Do we forgive her?' and Fangs' saying 'It seems fair.'

"You're forgiven," Fangs called. "Why don't you come in?"

Toni stepped around Sweet Pea, smiling up at him. She hopped over to the sofa where Fangs was sitting, and sat next to Fangs. Sweet Pea sighed through his nose, and Fangs looked up at him, smirking, as he knew that he wanted to sit there.

"So, how long have you known you were soulmates?" Toni asked.

"Almost a year," Sweet Pea confessed.

"Toni, you haven't met your soulmate yet, have you?" Fangs asked, changing the subject.

"No, I haven't," she pursed her lips in thought.

"Maybe he- or she, or even they, will be at Riverdale High?" Fangs smiled. "That's something to think about." Toni smiled back at him.

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