Reaching Out

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"So, soulmates," Betty smiled.

"Soulmates," Veronica smiled back. "I don't know whether to be happy or sad right now. It's like a whirlwind of emotions. I'm sad because Archie isn't my soulmate, but I am so happy, because you're my soulmate. I mean, Betty freaking Cooper is my soulmate."

"Veronica freaking Lodge is my soulmate," Betty said in bewilderment. They were sat on Betty's bed, facing each other. Hands intertwined.

"Hey, when did your sight start fading?" Veronica asked, adjusting the way she was sitting.

"Hmm, I think it was a little bit after school started."

"Betty, your sight started fading when you met me," Veronica stated. "I don't think that's a coincidence."

"If I'm honest, I think you're going to be a much better soulmate than Jughead. You'll probably care about me more than your food, or your bed," Betty laughed. Veronica laughed with her.

"Your mom said you told her everything, does that include... us?" Veronica asked, laughter fading away.

"How could I not? I had to tell someone that Veronica freaking Lodge is my soulmate," Betty beamed.

"Kevin said that you hadn't told your mom that you and Jughead weren't soulmates anymore, though."

"Oh, I did. After Kevin left."

"Oh," Veronica said.

"Can I just... I never thought my soulmate would be a girl. I've only ever really liked, well, Archie and Jughead." Betty confessed.

"Understandable. I mean, I've had feelings for people before, both men and women, but I wasn't sure if it was like, real or not. I guess I've just had doubts. Sexuality is confusing," Veronica smiled.

"But I am glad that if anyone is my soulmate, it's you. You know, when you first walked into Pop's, I thought you were going to be a part of my life. I was just expecting that part to be you as Archie's soulmate. Maybe I was just imagining what I wanted, and not what I wanted for Archie."

Veronica smiled, not sure what to say. She was having a hard time processing things. She felt guilty for wishing that Archie was her soulmate. Betty was also a bit starstruck. She had always thought that Jughead was meant to be her soulmate, and only a few weeks after meeting Veronica, her whole life changed. Betty was starting to freak out a bit, her whole life had just changed. She always thought that she was strictly straight.

"I just- I'm kind of having a holy crap moment. I wasn't really expecting any of this. I mean, don't take it personally, but wow, I was not expecting a girl to be my soulmate," Betty admitted. She felt guilty for feeling these feelings, but she had to share them with Veronica. She was her soulmate, after all.

"Yeah, no, it's fine, I'm kind of going through a shock moment too," Veronica assured her. "I mean, not because I'm disappointed that you're my soulmate or anything, it's more like, wow, you're my soulmate. I just don't quite know what to say, or how to react. How did you react when you found out you and Jughead were soulmates?"

"Oh, wow, that was a while ago. I always think about when we found out, but I never really think about our reactions. Okay. Well, it was a long time ago. I think we were both super shocked. For like, a few weeks. Before we realised that we have each other, as companions, for the rest of our lives. Well, that was what we thought. I guess things change. But yeah. It's like, you get to have someone to turn to, someone to depend on, who depends on you. It's really great," Betty sighed happily. Veronica smiled. If words can make someone attractive, Veronica was definitely feeling attracted to Betty after she said that.

"I get to have you in my life, for the rest of my life," Veronica beamed. "I think that thought is calming me down."

"It's calming me down a bit, too." Betty squeezed Veronica's hand. Veronica squeezed back.

Hey, sorry Kev, have to take a raincheck. I'm at Betty's. A lot of stuff happened today, I'll tell you about it later, maybe at school? Veronica pressed send, and pocketed her phone. It buzzed a few minutes later.

No problem. Hope you're feeling better, he replied.

Kevin was kind of glad to have the night to himself. He decided to spend the night reading, perhaps he could finish They Both Die at the End. He opened the book to the page he was on, and continues to read Rufus and Mateo's story. He longed for a story like that—not the dying part, but the part about meeting the one and falling in love. He was up to the part where Mateo and Rufus go to visit Mateo's father in the hospital, and thought of his mother. No, she wasn't in a coma, but he hadn't spoken to her, or seen her, in a while. He wondered how she was doing, and decided to send her a message.

Hey, mom! How are things? Just wanted to check in, we haven't spoken in a while, he wrote. He waited a few moments, to see if she'd reply, but when she didn't, he shut his phone off and returned to his book. Minutes later, his phone buzzed.

Hi, Kevin. Things are good. I miss you and your dad! You both should come visit us sometime, Lexi's growing up so fast Ava and I can't keep up! Can you believe she's already 12?! How's Riverdale? Haven't been there since your father took me while I was pregnant with you!

Kevin smiled. He suddenly missed his mom, and her family, more than he realized.

Things here are great, you should come visit us, since you haven't been here in so long! Dad's been so busy with work, but he sees Sierra every now and then. He's happier than I've ever seen him, I don't know why he didn't want to move here sooner, Kevin replied.

I guess I'll have to check with your father! Wouldn't want to intrude. That makes me happy, that he's finally reunited with his soulmate. I know how that feels. I've got to go now, have to put Lexi to bed. It's been nice talking to you, Kev. Goodnight xx

Goodnight, mom.

"Dad?" Kevin called, walking into the lounge room, where he saw his father last. He wasn't there, so Kevin checked the study. Still no sign of him. He then looked in his dad's bedroom, but he still wasn't there. He went back to the study and found a sticky note on the desk. "OUT WITH SIERRA," the note read. Kevin frowned. He was happy for his dad, of course, but it was as if his dad didn't live in the house with him anymore. He was either at the station, hiding out in his office, or out with Sierra.

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