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Betty went down the stairs, after hearing the doorbell go off. She opened the door to Kevin, who put a sad, sympathetic smile on his face.

"Hey," he said sadly. He noticed how puffy her eyes were, and the dark circles under them.

"Hey," she sighed, wiping the tears from her face with her fist. Kevin wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"Who is it, Betty?" Alice Cooper called from the kitchen.

"It's Kevin," Betty called back.

"Who?" Alice shouted.

"Kevin" Betty yelled, pronouncing each syllable for Alice to hear.

"Oh. Has Kevin eaten? I'm preparing dinner." Betty looked at Kevin for a response.

"No, I haven't. Would you be okay with me eating here? I can leave before you eat, if you'd prefer," Kevin replied, loud enough for Alice to hear.

"No, stay for dinner! The more the merrier," Alice said, you could hear the smile in her voice.

"I just didn't think we'd actually break up, you know? I thought we could work things out," Betty sniffed. Her hair wasn't in her usual ponytail, instead it was let down, just falling below her shoulders. They were sat on Betty's bed, which was neatly made, cushions sprawled across it, one of which was in Kevin's lap.

"I can't really believe it. I didn't think soulmates could break apart. Soulmates are forever. At least, they're supposed to be," Kevin sighed.

"Have you ever dated anyone? I know you haven't met your soulmate, but you might've dated, I don't know," Betty smiled, wanting a distraction from her own love life.

"Yeah, there was this one guy," Kevin sighed.

"Guy? You're...?" she lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm gay. So, his name was Joaquin. We met at a party and hooked up. We were into each other, so I asked him out. We went out for a few months, it was great, but then he had to move away. We got into an argument, he wanted to try long distance, but I didn't want that. Eventually he just said that he didn't want to be with someone so negative, and I said that I didn't want to be with someone halfway across the country, and we came to the conclusion that we should just break up." Kevin looked down, missing his first love.

"Have you spoken to him since?" Betty asked.

"He blocked me on all social media platforms. Said he didn't want to be reminded of me," Kevin explained.

"That sucks," Betty frowned.

"Yeah," Kevin frowned back.

"Dinners ready!" Alice called from the dining room. Betty and Kevin walked down the stairs, and sat down at the dining table.

"Wow, this looks great, Mrs. Cooper. Thank you for letting me stay for dinner," Kevin smiled.

"Where's Jughead? I thought you said yesterday that he was coming for dinner tonight," Alice smiled.

"You didn't tell her?" Kevin murmurded to Betty.

"Tell me what?" Alice asked. Kevin wasn't quiet enough for just Betty to hear.

"Uh, Jughead and I... broke up," Betty said.

"What? You broke up? But you're soulmates," Alice stated.

"Apparently, the universe made a mistake, or something," Betty snapped. "I don't really want to talk about it right now, thanks, mom."

"Well, excuse me for wanting to be involved in my daughter's life."

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