So What Now?

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The next day, Archie woke up at the crack of dawn. He fell asleep late into the night, so when he woke up it felt like he had just fallen asleep. He tried to fall back to sleep, but could never succeed, so he decided to go downstairs to make a cup of coffee. He was restless—he kept replaying that moment, that kiss, and what came after, over and over. Well, what didn't come after. He felt disappointment every time he thought of the time when he opened his eyes, and there was no burst of colour, no difference whatsoever. He felt bad that he wasn't who Veronica was supposed to be with, who she could rely on when she was down, who she could share anything and everything with. She still could, of course, just not in the way Archie would have hoped.

He waited a few hours, just to make sure she was awake, before texting her.

Hey, can we talk? His finger lingered above the send button for a few seconds, before actually pressing it. A while later, he got a response.

Yeah, I need to tell you something. That'd be great. Uh, how about Pop's?

He checked the time, which read 11:24, before agreeing. He asked how lunch sounded.

Great! Could I get a ride?

Sure. I'll be @ the pembrooke at 12? He tapped the corner of his phone impatiently.

Actually, I'm at Betty's. But 12 is good.

Betty's? What was Veronica doing at Betty's? Archie thought to himself, furrowing his brows. Well, they're good friends now, I guess, so she probably just spent the night at Betty's.

Okay, Betty's at 12.

Archie waited impatiently for midday to come. He filled the time by strumming his guitar, and thinking up new lyrics. When 12 o'clock finally came, he walked over to Betty's house.

"Archie! Lovely to see you. Come on in!" Alice greeted him warmly at the door.

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Cooper, but I'm just here to pick up Veronica—"

"Archie, how many times have I told you to call me Alice? I've known you since you were taking baths with Betty when you were four. No need to be so formal!" Alice laughed. Veronica appeared behind Alice in the doorway, Betty a few steps behind.

"Hey, Archie," Veronica smiled. Betty waved from behind. "I'll be back soon, if that's okay with you, Mrs. Cooper."

"Of course! I told you, stay as long as you need to. My home is your home," Alice assured her.

"Thank you. Bye, Betty. Mrs. Cooper." She turned on her heel and headed to Archie's house, Archie trailing behind her.

"Why did Alice say that?" Archie asked when they were sat in his car.

"Say what?" Veronica looked at up at him.

"'Stay as long as you need to, my home is your home,'" Archie mimicked.

"That's part of the thing I needed to talk about with you. Can it wait 'til Pop's? This is more of a sit-down, face-to-face conversation."

"Yeah. Okay. Sure." Archie turned on the ignition and sped to Pop's.

Veronica thanked Pop Tate for her milkshake. Archie ran his hand through his hair.

"So... can we talk about that kiss?" Archie sighed.

"Yeah, uh, let's. I guess we just weren't meant to be," Veronica pursed her lips. "Hey, your hair is the most brilliant shade of red."

Archie perked up. Red? "What are you talking about? Red? What—"

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