Chapter 18

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"Hey, Kevin. Who's this?" Tom Keller shook Archie's hand.

"Archie, Andrews, sir," Archie said.

"Nice to meet you, Archie. Andrews as in Andrews Construction?"

"Yes, sir."

"Call me Tom. I was friends with your old man in high school."

"Oh, I didn't know," Archie replied.

"Dad, we have something to uh... something to tell you," Kevin said, looking down at the floor.

"Hmm?" Tom tried to meet his son's gaze.

"Dad, Archie's my soulmate." Kevin looked back up, meeting his father's eyes, which filled with delight.

"Really? Oh, I'm so happy for you. Both of you." Tom pulled them both in for a hug. Archie felt happiness - real, raw happiness - from such acceptance. If he felt this way with Kevin's dad, how would he feel with his own?

"You are?" Kevin smiled against his chest.

"I am. Oh, wait 'til your mom hears. She's going to be so proud."

Kevin's heart was full. The past few days had been some of the best of his life; he's found his soulmate, he'd kissed his soulmate, which felt like no kiss he'd ever experienced before, and his dad was ecstatic about it. He hugged his father tighter, and then pulled away.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Keller, it means a lot that you're so okay with this. I hope my dad's this accepting," Archie smiled.

"I'm sure he will be. Hey, do you want anything to eat?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I should probably head home. My dad will be waiting."

"Okay. Well, take care. And know that you're welcome to come here any time."

"Thank you, Mr. Keller. Bye, Kev," he smiled at his soulmate, who was beaming like it was the happiest moment of his life. It very well could've been, Archie thought.

"Bye, Archie."

Archie drove home unable to wipe the smile from his face. He greeted his dad in the kitchen, and went upstairs to his room, collapsing on his bed, still in a happy high. He pulled out his phone to text Kevin, who had already sent him a text.

My dad's still happy. I am too. I think we should tell B & V, I can't imagine they'd hate us for it. Tbh they'd probably hate it if we didn't tell them. But your choice. What do you think?

I think that's a good idea. I also want to tell my dad, telling your dad made me want to tell mine.

Kevin sent a thumbs up and a smiley face in response.

Twenty minutes after their encounter, Veronica was back at the Pembrooke. Betty decided to stay behind, since she didn't feel particularly welcome at Hermione's apartment.

"Veronica! So nice to finally see you. It was such a shame to come home after so many months, only to hear that my daughter was spending her nights elsewhere. How could you embarrass your mother so much?" Hiram Lodge kissed Veronica on both cheeks.

"It wasn't nearly as embarrassing for her as it was for me," Veronica said under her breath.

Hermione kissed her husband in greeting, and went to the kitchen to fetch two glasses of champagne.

"What do you want me here for, anyway? I've said hello, that's more than I'd wished for. Can I go back to Betty's?" Veronica sighed.

"Betty? That's who you've been with? An oddly feminine name, if you ask me. When Hermione said that you'd met your soulmate, I didn't imagine his name to be 'Betty.'" Hiram scoffed.

"Daddy, surely you aren't that thick. Betty is a girl." Veronica rolled her eyes.

"Now, is that how you talk to your father, who you haven't seen in months?" Hiram smiled maliciously.

"That's how I talk to my father who just spent months in prison." Veronica hissed.

"Watch your mouth, Mija." Hermione whispered just loud enough for Veronica to hear.

"Look, if my soulmate being a girl is a problem for you, I'd rather you tell me now, so that I can get this over with sooner." Veronica raised one of her eyebrows.

After a moment of silence, Hiram said "of course it's a problem, Veronica. It's against our religion."

"Okay, yeah, I'm going now. Can't be bothered to argue that ridiculous point. I'm your daughter. Your only child. If you really loved me, I would be more important than your beliefs. I would be more important than which gender my soulmate is. But clearly, I'm not, so there's no use in me living in a house in which my parents care more about what some book says than what their daughter does."

"Don't you dare disrespect your religion like that, Veronica." Hermione grabbed onto her daughter's arm.

"I'm going now." Veronica repeated. She ran into her room quickly to gather some items she had left behind, and then began to walk back to Betty's house.

During the time she was at Betty's house and back with her parents, the sun had set, so she relied on the dim overheard streetlights to guide her to her soulmate's home.

An hour passed, and she hadn't managed to find the house, so she called Betty.

"Veronica? Where are you? Are you at the Pembrooke still?" Betty asked, worry in her voice.

"Uh, no. I left an hour ago, and I thought I could find my way to your house, but I think I'm lost." Veronica asked, looking around.

"Okay. Mom?" Betty yelled, holding the phone away from her ear. "Veronica, we're coming to pick you up. Stay where you are, we'll be there soon. Where exactly are you?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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