Bittersweet Truth

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Kevin assumed his dad had already left for work by the time he woke up, since there was nobody in the house. Downstairs he found a sticky note confirming Kevin's assumptions, and a $20 bill 'just in case he went out.'

Kevin decided to take that $20 to Pop's, for lunch. It was a bit of a late lunch — 1 o'clock — but that didn't bother Kevin. It was still lunch, after all.

He walked into the diner, the bell above the door announcing his arrival. He looked around, and found none other than Archie and Veronica. He decided to sit with them, after asking if that was okay. He sat next to Veronica, and took a sip from her milkshake.

"So, how are you guys? After... all that?" Kevin asked.

"You told him?" Veronica hissed at Archie, who just shrugged at her.

"Relax, Veronica, you can trust me. Anyway, are you two still dating? I know you aren't soulmates, but are you dating until you find your soulmates?" Kevin asked, interested in his friends' love lives.

Archie and Veronica exchanged a glance before saying no.

"Really? Why? I thought you guys were into each other," Kevin said.

"We were... before I met my soulmate," Veronica replied.

"You what? Veronica, have you really?" Kevin smiled.

"I have," she smiled back, "you know her."

"Her? No way. Who is it? Cheryl Blossom? She gave me a bit of a gay vibe."

"No, not Cheryl. You know her much better than you know Cheryl," Veronica hinted.

"Wait, is it Betty? I mean, I thought you'd be cute together since the moment I met both of you, but wow. I didn't think it would actually happen," he said, taking another sip from Veronica's milkshake. When Veronica didn't reply right away, Kevin took that as a yes. "Oh my god, it is Betty, isn't it?! Holy shit. And here I was thinking I was the only gay in the group."

"Wait, Kev, you're gay? I didn't know that," Archie raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah. I thought you knew. Thought I told you both."

"I didn't know either, actually," Veronica smiled. "Well, we support you. Of course we do. Right, Arch?" she turned to look at Archie.

"Yeah. Of course." Archie said absentmindedly, too sidetracked by the fact that Kevin liked guys. Why did he care? It wasn't like he had a problem with it. He wondered why this revelation made him feel something, something that he couldn't describe.

"Archie, you look uncomfortable..." Kevin looked concerned.

"What? No. I'm fine," he replied. "Why don't we order some food?"

After finishing their meals, and confirming with Betty that it was okay, the three of them headed to Betty's house.

"Kevin! Funny you ran into Veronica and Archie at Pop's," Betty said, a hint of jealousy in her tone. She wished she was at Pop's with them, she didn't want to miss out.

"Yeah. Ooh, do I smell cookies?" Kevin's eyes lit up.

"Oh, yeah. My mom made a batch of chocolate chip. Come, I'll get you one," Betty moved out of the doorway to let the three in.

"Hands down, these are the best cookies I've ever had. Starbucks is quaking," Kevin sighed with pleasure as he helped himself to his fourth cookie. "Your mom is an excellent baker. And cook. Is there anything she can't do?"

"Kiss-ass," Betty giggled.

"Where is your mom, B?" Veronica asked.

"Oh, she's upstairs." Betty replied.

They all headed upstairs to Betty's bedroom. Betty and Veronica sat on Betty's bed, Archie on the chair at Betty's dresser, and Kevin cross-legged on the floor.

"So I'm assuming you told them, V," Betty said.

"Told us what?" Kevin replied.

"What are you two keeping from us?" Archie said, playing along.

"I knew it. You two really are furries in disguise," Kevin slowly shook his head.

"What? What are you—" Betty narrowed her eyes.

"We're kidding, Betty. She told us," Kevin laughed.

"Right... well, what do you think?" Betty asked.

"You make it sound like a small deal. Betty, we love you no matter what. Love is an amazing thing, regardless of gender. I'm so happy for you guys!" Kevin beamed. "Though I am jealous. You've had not one, but two soulmates! And then there's just me, whose only love ran away." Archie looked down at him, wondering what he meant.

"Betty, I'm glad you and Veronica found each other," Archie smiled.

"There's a but coming, isn't there?" Betty frowned.

"But, are you two really going to ignore the elephant in the room? You and Jughead just broke up. You've been together since, what, the end of middle school? You can't have already moved on."

Betty sighed. "Archie, just... okay? No need to bring the whole room down."

"No, B, he's right. If you need space, just say the word." Veronica squeezed Betty's hand.

"Same goes for you, V. I mean, you and Archie..." Betty frowned sympathetically.

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