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Hours later, when the sun was long gone, Archie asked Kevin if his dad was okay with him staying out so late.
    “Oh, I completely forgot to text my dad—thanks for reminding me,” he whipped out his phone and began to text his dad.
    “Why don’t you just stay at my place for the night? I mean, it’s right next door, and it’s quite late—how are you going to get home, anyway?” Archie suggested.
    “You’d be okay with that?” Kevin asked. “What about your dad?”
    “My dad will be fine with it. And I’d be happy to have you over.” He wasn’t just saying that.
    “Okay, I’ll just ask my dad.” He sent a text to his dad. “I don’t have any of my stuff, though.”
    “You can borrow mine. I have a spare toothbrush, and I’m sure my clothes will fit you.” 
    “If you’re okay with that,” Kevin smiled. His phone lit up, and he looked at the text that appeared on his screen. He typed a response.
    “What did he say?” Archie asked.
    “He said yes.”
    “That’s great! Archie, shouldn’t you let your dad know?” Betty asked.
    “He’ll be fine with it. What’s the time?”
    “Half past twelve,” Veronica read from her phone.
    “We should probably get going then. Tell your mom thanks for the cookies,” Archie said as he stood up.
    “Will do.”

Archie opened the door for Kevin, and Betty locked it behind them. They began to walk to Archie’s house, which still had its lights on.
    “My dad must’ve been waiting,” Archie said. He opened the door and let Kevin go in before him. 
    “Dad?” Archie called from the hallway.
    “In the kitchen,” Fred called back. Kevin followed Archie to the kitchen, to greet Archie’s dad.
    “Hey, dad. Sorry it’s so late. Uh, Kevin’s staying here for the night, is that okay?” Archie asked.
    “Oh. Sure. Hi, Kevin,” Fred greeted his son’s guest.
    “Hi, nice to meet you, Mr. Andrews.” Kevin shook Fred’s hand.
    “Kevin, do you want anything? Water? Food?” Archie asked, opening the fridge.
    “Water would be great,” he replied.
    “You’re Tom Keller’s boy, aren’t you?” Fred asked.
    “Yeah. You know my dad?” Kevin smiled.
    “We used to be friends in high school, before he moved away. I didn’t know he was back,” Fred explained.
    “Oh, we’ve been here for a few weeks now.”
    “Small world,” Fred smiled.

Archie pulled out the spare mattress from under his bed that he used whenever he had a friend stay over. Kevin went to the cupboard Archie pointed out and grabbed some sheets. When he saw Archie struggling, Kevin helped pull out the mattress. 
    “How often is this thing used?” Kevin asked.
    “Not often. Last time was three years ago when Jughead stayed here because Alice wouldn’t let him sleep in Betty’s room, or Polly’s,” Archie laughed.
    “Polly?” Kevin raised his eyebrow.
    “Betty’s older sister.”
    “Where was she when we were at Betty’s? Betty never mentioned a sister.”
    “She was probably at Jason’s.” When Kevin still looked confused, Archie said “Cheryl’s twin? Jeez, we need to catch you up.”

“How do you really feel about Veronica and Betty?” Kevin asked once they finally set up the mattress.
    “Honestly? I’m a bit upset. I don’t know why, I know it’s not in their control or anything, but it kind of upsets me that it happened right after we found out that we weren’t soulmates,” Archie explained.
    “I get that. And also, you really are okay with me being gay? You seemed super uncomfortable at Pop’s,” Kevin frowned.
    “Kevin, I am one hundred percent okay with you being gay,” Archie smiled. He couldn’t quite understand the funny feeling in his stomach.
    “Okay, I’m glad,” Kevin smiled back. Kevin realised then, that he had a crush on Archie. The relief of Archie’s acceptance flooded through his body. He had thought he did earlier, when he finally comprehended what made him so nervous about Archie accepting Kevin’s sexuality. That relief—and the butterflies in his stomach—just confirmed his feelings. He thought back to the jealousy he felt when Archie and Veronica were dating, and realised how stupid he was to not figure out his feelings earlier.
    “Could you pass my water? It’s up there, on your nightstand,” Kevin asked. “I can’t quite reach it.”
    “Oh, sure,” he said as he picked up the glass of water and passed it to Kevin. Their fingers brushed as Kevin grabbed the glass, and for Archie and Kevin, the whole world was lit with colour.

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