Chapter 3 Volume 6

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Ruby (POV)
We all watch as Zack disappears further into the snowy forest. I snap.
Ruby- See what you fucking did Ozpin!!!! He's gone now!!!!
Dante- He ain't gone. He's going to cool off before he does anything rash. He's gonna be back so don't worry.
Qrow- Ozpin meeting you was the worst luck of my life.
Oscar (Oz)- Maybe you're right.
Ozpin goes away and gives control back to Oscar.
Ruby- What happened?
Oscar- He's gone.
Yang- That bastard!!! Tell him we're not done yet!!!
Oscar- No this is different. He's gone. It's like he locked himself deep inside my head. Our head? I hate this! I just want it to stop!
Weiss- What are we going to do now? Ozpin is gone, Zack is somewhere in the forest and this snow storm is getting worse.
Maria- Enough! We need to get a move on. It'll be dark before we know it everyone one of you is spewing negativity.
She helps Oscar up.
Maria- There is a trail over there. Trails usually go somewhere and if I do recall, your friend went in that same direction.
Yang- Lady! I don't know who you think you are but
Maria- No buts! I understand that you're still upset. Honestly I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanities second time around but if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I lived this long just to die out here in the cold!!
Ruby- She's right. Come on.
We all gather our belongings and make our way down the trail.
Zack (POV)
I'm trudging my way down this snowy trail going who knows where.
Cas- Are you ok?
Zack (telepathic talk)- What do you think?
Cas- I'll take that as a no then.
Zack (telepathic talk)- I mean you heard what she said. Salem can't be killed. Ozpin lied to us. I can't get my revenge for her taking away everything from me.
Cas- So what are you gonna do now?
Zack (telepathic talk)- I don't know!! I don't know.
I come across a run down abandoned town named Brunswick Farms.
Cas- It will be night soon. Stay here in one of the houses for the night.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Good idea.
Ruby (POV)
We were walking down the the snow covered trail. The storm was getting worse.
Qrow- (sighs) Doesn't look like this is gonna let up.
Blake- Just want to get this stupid relic to Atlas.
Weiss- Lets just hope we don't have to walk all the way there.
Yang- (sarcastic) I thought led somewhere.
Maria- Do you have nothing better to do than harass a defenseless old woman?
Ruby- Everyone quiet.
I hear a something squeaking.
Ruby- Do you hear that?
We look up the road some and see a small group of houses. We go up to it.
Blake- Well at least one good thing happened today.
Weiss- It looks abandoned.
Qrow- Wrong. This gate looks like it was broken into and look on the ground. Fresh footprints. Could be Zack's. And look. There's also smoke coming out from one of houses chimney. Let's go set up shelter in one of the houses and I'll check out the other one.
Ruby- No you guys go. I'll check it out. If it's Zack, he'll have less of an incentive to attack me.
Qrow- Good point but be careful.
Ruby- I will.
The gang goes to the two story house at the end while I head to the one story house on the right. I enter the house.
Ruby- Hello? Is anybody here? I walk around the house until I come across the living room and find Zack huddled by the fire. He sees me and stares at me.
Ruby- Hey.
Ruby- We we're worried about you.
Ruby- Not gonna talk? That's fine. Well if you need anything we're set up in the big house next to this one.
He doesn't speak and stares back into the fire.
Ruby- (saddened) Good talk.
I leave and head into the other house.
Ethan- So was he there?
Ruby- Yeah he was but he didn't talk to me. He didn't seem that angry or hostile. Just sad and depressed.
Blake- Wonder what's wrong with him. Anyway I saw a chimney front outside. Maybe we can get a fire started.
Weiss- Please. I'll love for some blankets.
Qrow- Yang go with her.
Dante- I'll see if this place has any food.
Ethan- Elias and I will come with you.
I go check out a picture.
Blake- What's wrong?
Ruby- Something doesn't feel right.
We here Weiss scream from upstairs and we rush to her. We find her outside a room on the ground breathing very fast. We look into the room and see two shriveled up dead bodies. Blake- You called it Ruby.
Timeskip to that night
We were all by the fire getting warm. Qrow comes back from checking the houses.
Qrow- It's the same in every house but I didn't check Zack's because I don't want to die just yet. It's like the whole estate went to sleep and never woke up.
Weiss- We're not staying here right?
Qrow- Don't have a choice. The storm is getting worse. We'd freeze to death before going anywhere.
Maria- Welp might as well get comfortable.
Yang- Yeah fat chance.
Ruby- Ok well let's do something. This place might have more supplies we could use.
Oscar- Maya they have a car.
Qrow- I'll do another sweep of the grounds. No one else goes anywhere alone.
Ruby- Hey wait. Dante do we have anymore soup and blankets?
Dante- Yeah. Why?
Ruby- Uncle let me check on Zack. He's alone and probably freezing.
Qrow- Fine but stay safe.
I exit the house and go into the one Zack is staying. I enter the living room and see Zack shivering next to a dying fire.
Zack (POV)
Zack *mind*- It's so fucking cold.
I hear footsteps enter the living room. I can tell that it's Ruby. The footsteps come closer and stop behind me. I feel a blanket and arms wrap around me.
Ruby- I brought you a blanket and some soup.
She comes from around me and places a bowl of soup in front of me. She then stokes fire and adds wood to it then sat next to me. I eat the soup as she watches me. When I finished, she placed my head in her lap and ran her fingers through my hair.
Ruby- What's wrong?
Zack.....I can't kill Salem.
Ruby- I know you want to but why?
Zack- Do you really want to know?
Ruby- Yes. Please?
Zack- For you to understand, let me take you back to that day. Back to my home known as Azrael Village.
Author: That is the end of this one. Finally we get to see what happened on that day. We finally get to see what started it all.

Zack Fullbuster and The King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now