Chapter 7 Volume 6

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Meanwhile in the realm of darkness
Salem (POV)
I had Hazel, Mercury, and Emerald bow down before me so that I could find out who was responsible for the failure at Mistral.
Salem- I want you to explain to me how you failed so spectacularly.
Hazel- The faunas militia split our forces
Salem- Stop. Let me rephrase the question. Who is responsible for your defeat besides Zack Fullbuster?
Hazel stands up.
Hazel- I take full responsibility.
I throw the table out of the way and slowly walk to the three.
Salem- But that wouldn't be fair now would it?!!! We all know who's truly to blame.
Hazel- I don't t
I summon a portal underneath Hazel and a bunch of grim hands come from it and grab us face and wrap around his body. They bring him to his knees. I look at Emerald.
Salem- Emerald. I want to tell me who's fault it was. Now.
Emerald- Cinder. We failed because of Cinder.
Salem- That's right. I want you to understand that failure. You want to understand why Cinder must be left to toil in her isolation until she redeems herself.
Mercury- You mean
EM- She's alive?
Cinder (POV)
I still can't believe I'm alive. The stone broke as I hit the water in that abyss in the vault. I almost drowned but my power came back last minute and I was able to swim to the surface. There was a small crevice coming through a walk wall so I punched my way out. I was met with grey skies and rain. Some woman came to see if I was alright. I killed her and took her clothes to blend in with the common people. Now I'm here in the city of Mistral. I'm heading to undercover bar where I can get information on the whereabouts of Zack and his friends. I enter the bar and head to the woman who runs this place.
Woman- That's far enough.
Two of her guards step up. I bring out a bag of lien and toss it to her.
Woman- Ok.
I sit down in front of her at her table.
Cinder- You're little Ms. Malachite?
Malachite- I'm little miss gonna skin you alive if you ever take that tongue with me again. Looks like your life's savings.
Cinder- It was somebodies.
Malachite- Hmph. Cute. What do you want for it?
I pull out my scroll and pull up a picture of Zack and his friends.
Cinder- I'm looking for these travelers.
Malachite- Well sweetheart, you came to the right place.
There was a noise behind me and I jump a little.
Malachite- A little jumpy are we. You know I used to be afraid of spiders. Wanna know what I did about it?
Cinder- Learned to kill them?
Malachite- Oh no. The world needs spiders. I just made the spiders work for me.
She gestures all the people in here with a spider tattoo.
Malachite- Give me a week. We'll find your travelers.
I get up and leave the establishment.
Ruby (POV)
It's been hours since the last big explosion. Zack still hasn't returned and the sun has started to set. It's caused me to start pacing.
Blake- Relax Ruby. I'm sure he's fine. NJR and EED made sandwiches. Have one. It'll calm you down.
I sit down next to Qrow and have a sandwich. Jaune's sister's wife phone rings so she hands the baby over to Jaune's sister and steps out to take the call.
Blake- Is everything ok?
JS- Oh yeah. It will be. Tera is a technician for the town's relay tower. Unfortunately the military's radar system is also housed there. So what's your plan for tomorrow?
Ruby- Well, we're trying to make our way to atlas. We'll probably start with the military base.
Jaune- So we already tried that and it didn't go super great.
Yang- C'mon it couldn't be that bad.
Jaune- Yes it was.
There was a knock on the door.
Dante (POV)
Dante- I'll get it.
I get up and head to the door. I open the door and there is a woman in a cloak and she's carrying an unconscious Zack covered in white bandages.
Dante- Oh my god no.
Woman- Don't worry. He's alive but I don't know for how long. I've healed the most severe of his injuries but he's really hot. She's fallen ill. Please take care of him. He's really important to me.
Dante- You don't gotta tell me twice.
She hands me Zack and look at him.
Dante- It's ok buddy. You're gonna be alright.
I look back up and the lady was gone. I lean outside and I don't see her anywhere. I go back inside and shut the door.
Ruby (POV)
Dante- Uh guys!!
Dante enters the living room with carrying an unconscious Zack. Everyone gasps and I drop my sandwich and run up to Dante.
Ruby- What happened?!
Dante- I don't know. Some lady handed him off to me like this. My guess is that his injuries are from his fight but he's sick.
I feel his forehead.
Ruby- He's burning up. I think he has a fever.
I turn to Jaune's sister.
Ruby- Do you have any medicine?
JS- I do. It should bring down his fever. I'll go get. For now place him in one of the spare bedrooms upstairs.
Dante carries Zack upstairs and everyone including myself follow him. Dante goes in one of the spare rooms and places Zack on the bed. Jaune's sister comes in with the medicine and she gives it to Zack.
JS- Ok that should bring down his fever. His bandages look fresh and his wounds seem clean but we're gonna have to clean his wounds and change his bandages in the morning. For now we let him sleep and wait. Who is he anyway?
Ethan- That is Zack Fullbuster. He is the leader of our team Team ZEED. He's with us.
JS- I see. Well, get some sleep kids.
Everyone one leaves leaving only me. I pull up a chair and I watch over him for the night.
Author: Another chapter done. Cinder is alive unfortunately and she's looking for Zack of course. Zack is hurt and sick. Not good. My question is, who is that mysterious lady? Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and The King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now