Chapter 5 Volume 6

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Ruby (POV)
I awoke the next morning to sight of sunlight peeking through the blinds. I unwrap my arms and lay Zack's head gently on the floor. I get up and peek outside. The storm has stopped and the sun is slowly coming over the mountains. I exit the house and go into the other one. I see that everyone is asleep with their significant other. Maria is sleeping in a chair. I don't see Uncle Qrow so look for him. I find him in the kitchen asleep with bottles of alcohol by his side. This angers me a little because his drinking problem has gotten worse since we Jin told us everything. I try to wake him up but he shoves me off. I smash an empty bottle against the wall and that woke him up. I hug him.
Ruby- You know you can talk to me about stuff. Yang too.
Qrow- Lets just get out of here.
We wake everyone in the house up and go outside. Yang gets her bike and Weiss attaches a hook to the back end of it. Qrow and I push a big wagon from the farmhouse to the bike.
Ruby- You goes got the bike ready?
Yang just grunts and points to the hook.
Qrow- Well it's done now. So let's hook this thing up and
One of the tires of the wagon pops.
Maria- You guys are just beacons for bad luck aren't ya.
Qrow goes and slumps against a fence to have a drink. Yang sits against the well next us.
Yang- I'm starting to think the universe doesn't want us to make it to Atlas.
Ruby- (sigh) It's just a flat tire. I'm sure there's a spare.
Yang- It's not just that. It's everything. Storms, crashes, monsters. I'm just so tired.
Blake- Me too. It's feels like we're always having to get by. Zack is the only one that's enjoying all the fighting.
Ruby- You're wrong. He's been surrounded by nothing but fighting since he was ten. He fights to survive. He does this because everything was taken from him and he hurts from it. But even so this is what we signed up for.
Oscar- We signed up to save the world not just delay the inevitable.
Weiss- Last night I...I couldn't stop thinking. Why are we even going to Atlas?
Ruby- Weiss we have to.
Yang- Why? Ozpin hid the relics behind giant doors under giant schools but how long will it take Salem to find one in the middle of nowhere?
Ruby- What? The grim might
Yang- Find it eventually sure but bury it or throw down the well, it could take years. It might not even happen in our lifetime. But we could be done with it now.
I hold the relic in my hand and the others look at me.
Dante- Ruby don't do this. Just think about it first.
Ruby- I am really tired.
I hold the relic over the well. A pair of red eyes appear and I scream and drop the relic down the well.
Ruby- No no no! I didn't mean to.
Weiss- Ruby it's ok.
Ruby- No! I saw something down there! I saw it! It was looking at me!
Yang- Hey it's ok. You just said you were tired. It was probably nothing. Now let's go.
Ruby- What's wrong with you?! We can't just leave! We have to go down there! We have to get the lamp back! What was I thinking?!
Qrow- All we have to do is fix this trailer. Hey farmboy. Check the shed for a spare.
Ruby-I'm not leaving without the lamp!!
Blake- (sigh) I'll go down with you.
Weiss- We'll go down together.
Qrow- Fine. Get the stupid lamp. Oscar fix the stupid tire.
Qrow begins to walk inside the house.
Maria- Where are you going?
Qrow- Where do you think?
He shakes his flask and heads inside.
Maria- Stupid.
Zack (POV)
I watch all that went down from a window. My team stays behind while RWBY hop down the well.
Zack *mind*- I don't like this. They don't usually act like this. Something's up.
I put in my jacket, put on my mask, and pull up my hood.
Zack- I'll follow them from the shadows that are down there.
I teleport to inside the well.
All four of them were using the flashlights on their scrolls to search for the relic.
Ruby- Aw c'mon! Were is it?
Yang- Maybe the current carried it away.
They begin to walk down the dark wet tunnel while I tailed from the shadows.
Blake- How about we turn off our lights and look for the glow.
Ruby- Ok.
They put their lights away and Ruby draws scarlet rose and they continue to walk.
Blake- There.
There's a faint blue glow coming from a bit further down the tunnel. Ruby puts scarlet rose away and runs to grab the relic.
Ruby- Guys I
She looks up and sees a bunch of humanoid grim  and she screams.

itShe looks up and sees a bunch of humanoid grim  and she screams

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Zack *mind*- I knew something was wrong.
Ruby runs back to the group.
Yang- What is it?
The grim round the corner and slowly make their way towards the group. Ruby shoots at them but that only seemed to just piss them off. Maria comes out of nowhere.
Maria- Run! Now!
They all make a run for it while I step out of the shadows. The grim screeches at me.
Zack- Really? I don't have time to deal with your shit. Let's just get this over with.
Ruby (POV)
We were running back to the way we came but more grim appeared. There was another way to our right.
Ruby- This way!!
Everyone goes and I look behind me to see if anybody got left behind and I spot Zack.
Ruby- Zack!! What are you doing?!! C'mon!!
He turns to me. He uses his Hellfire to spell out the the sentence "Get out of here". I leave him and catch up with the others.
Zack (POV)
I turn back to the grim.
Zack- Now where were we?
Hellfire surrounds me and my body begins to glow red.
Zack- Goodbye and good riddance.
Satan's Rage!!
Hellfire bursts from me and goes in every direction. It kills everything.
Zack- Well it looks like my job here is done.
I teleport out of here.
Ruby (POV)
We make it out from underground via the cellar in the house we stayed in. I saved Blake from those things by using my eyes I think. We closed the door to the cellar and lit the house on fire. We reached outside. Thankfully the trailer was ready. We all hopped in the trailer and Yang drove us from this place.
Zack (POV)
I teleported out of the underground. I see yang and everyone else leaving this place.
Zack- Rise.
I activate a portal and a demon horse rises from it.

I activate a portal and a demon horse rises from it

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I get on it and we ride down the snow path. We catch up to everyone with ease.
Dante- Dude that is one scary looking horse thing.
Zack- Hey leave him alone. He's a noble and loyal steed. Anybody have any idea where we are going?
Ethan- Argus hopefully.
Zack- That's good.
A bullet grazed my cheek and we all stop.
A figure steps out from the forest.
Zack- Kai.
Kai- Found you....Demon King.
Author: Sorry this chapter is so late. Tried to get it out earlier but I was out and about all day. Anywho, Kai has found Zack. This can't be good for anybody. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and The King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now