Chapter 12 Volume 6 The Finale: Part 1

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Zack (POV)
Blake (earpiece)- At the drop off zone. Heading in on foot.
Zack- Got it.
Jaune- Yes! Everything is going to plan! I mean Copy.
Ruby looks a bit worried so I go up to her and hold her hand. She looks at me and smiles.
Zack- This is gonna work. Trust me.
Ruby- Yeah.
Weiss (POV)
I'm currently on the ship in the air. I look at my scroll and notice the signal for everyone is gone. I get up and head to the pilots.
Pilot- Ms Schnee for your own safety uh what.
I beat them up and tie them to a parachute and throw them out of the ship. Maria gets out of the suitcase and we go to the cockpit.
Weiss- Are you sure you can fly this?
Maria- Missy, I was the grim reaper. What part of best huntress of her generation don't you understand?
Weiss- Right but your eyes.
She unplugs the sensor array from the front of the cockpit and plugs it into her robot glasses. Her eyes get immediately better.
Maria- You were saying.
Weiss- But you said your eyes were in desperate need of repair.
She cuts me off and we buckle in to the seats and she takes control of the ship.
Zack (POV)
I take a look at my scroll and Weiss's signal is gone. Ruby turns to us.
Ruby- Alright guys this is it. Blake you're up.
No response.
Ruby- Blake?
Still no response
Ruby- Yang! What's going on?
Yang (earpiece)- I don't know.
Zack- Something doesn't feel right. I don't like this. Not one bit. Hey guys, I'm gonna go see what's up.
Dante- Alright.
Elias- You do you bud.
Ruby- Be careful.
She kisses me and I teleport away.
Weiss (POV)
A voice came through on our comms.
Voice- Uh Manta 51 this is Argus base. We see that you've circled back. What's your status?
Weiss- Why can they see us?
Maria- Somebody dropped the ball. Don't worry. I've worked with Atlas forces before. I know their jargon.
She picks up the comms walkie talkie.
Maria- Argus base this is Manta 51. Feel free to gaff off. We're going to scrub due to F-O-D and we'll be back up and green across the board over.
Voice- Manta 51 return to base immediately or you will be treated as hostile over.
Weiss- I thought you said you knew their jargon!
Voice- Jargon was fine but our pilots aren't elderly women.
Maria- Well, they got me there.
Cordovin comes over the comms.
Cordovin- Calavera! You and those insolent children are up to something aren't you?! You thought you could undermine MY authority?! If you don't return my ship THIS INSTANT, I will make an example out of you! I will show you the true might of Atlas!
Maria starts eating cashews and crunches them loudly.
Maria- You hear that Cordo? That's the sound of me not caring!! Hahahahahaha!!!
Weiss- Ruby we're in trouble. Cordo is on to us and Maria isn't helping! Why is the radar still up?
Ruby (earpiece)- We don't know. Blake isn't responding. Zack went to go check on her.
Ruby (POV)
Qrow- Damn it!! Cordo is gonna scramble our fighters. We got maybe 90 seconds before they're in the air and all over Weiss and Maria. This is all my fault.
Jaune- What are you talking about? Your semblance?
Qrow- Every choice I've ever made has led me here and I dragged you all with me. Oz, myself, the others. We're responsible for the worlds end now. I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have let any of you come. What was I thinking?!
Ruby- We're all in this together and we're all gonna do the best we can. That's all anyone can do and I know that's what you always aimed for. We would've come regardless if you didn't let us so stop talking like we're your responsibility. We're not but we could still use Qrow Branwen on our side.
Qrow-........Hmph. How did you grow up so fast?
Ruby- I had good role models.
Weiss (earpiece)- Guys, she's not sending fighters.
We turn to look out over ocean to the base and see the big rock on their base turn into a gigantic robot.
Ruby- Cordovin is piloting that?!
She aims her robot cannon at Weiss's ship and fires an electric blast. It graces the ship.
Weiss (POV)
Weiss- Are you ok?
Maria- I am but she's clearly lost her mind.
Cordovin (comms)- And that was a warning shot. All atlas personal stand by and watch how your leader maintains order.
Ruby (POV)
The ship comes flying by us followed by the robot
Cordovin (speaker)- It's time to ask yourselves children. Do really wish to defy me?!
Ruby- Hurry back Weiss. I need you on the ground if we're gonna take this thing down.
Blake (POV)
I have my sword drawn and I'm in a panic. I hide behind something on the radar tower and I come across a dead Atlas soldier. It scares me and I get up. A bullet hits the railing behind me and I take off. I look below the grated floor below me and I see Adam.
Adam- It's nice to finally have time to ourselves don't you think?
Blake- Leave me alone!!
I transform my sword into a gun and shoot at Adam. He blocks it with his katana.
Adam- But I've waited so long for you to be away from them.
I run and jump off the tower and use a wire as a zip line. Adam glows red and energy slices the wire. I fall on the floor Adam is on. He lunges at me and I block his strike with my sword. She slices at me again but I roll out the way and try to strike him. He blocks it but I kick him in the chest and he stumbles back a little.
Adam- Why did you have to come into my life and ruin everything?!!
Blake- You stalked me across Anima! I don't want anything to do with your life.
Adam- I'll just cut you out of my life like I did Zack.
He rushes at me and I jump on the railing behind me. He slices at me but I leap to the floor above. I look around for him. I turn and the butt of his katana nails me in the face. Use the whip of my sword to swing me to him. I dropkick him but he blocks it with his katana. We sword clash some until we come into a lock. I grab is katana to hold it back and he grabs my sword hand. Sparks fly then he tosses me. I roll around and hop onto the railing and leap to the top of the tower. I think I'm safe I I get grabbed by my throat. Adam walks us over to the railing and tries to push me over but I kick him and we both go over. We hit multiple trees on our way down and we both hit the ground hard. We both slowly get up.
Blake- Let go of the past Adam. Do it for yourself.
Adam- Just forget it all. Is that what you did to me?!! Just threw our memories away?!!
Blake- Adam!
Adam- I let you go once already Blake. I'm never making that mistake again.
Author: Oh snap. The heist has a hitch just like regular gta heists. And look, it's Blake vs Adam 3. What will happen? Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and The King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now