Chapter 10 Volume 6

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Timeskip to nighttime
Zack (POV)
I had gone to a store and got myself a new shirt and some materials to patch up my jacket and pants

Timeskip to nighttime Zack (POV)I had gone to a store and got myself a new shirt and some materials to patch up my jacket and pants

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I was walking throughout Argus lost in thought. Yang tried calling me a couple times but I ignored her. It had begun to snow. I right now I'm walking through the town square
Cas- How you holding up man?
Zack (telepathic talk)-Just lost in thought is all.
Cas- I know. I can read your thoughts. You wanna talk about it?
Zack (telepathic talk)- No.
I walk some more and I come across a big statue of Pyrrha. I run to the statue and gaze at the beautiful architecture. There was a plaque below her feet. It read " In honor of Pyrrha Nikos. One of the many students who fought valiantly at the fall of beacon". Her death flashed in my head and I fall to my knees and began to cry a little.
Cas- It's ok. It wasn't your fault.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Really because it sure feels that way. I'm weak. If I was stronger, I could've saved her. It was my fault for getting her caught up in all this mess. If I hadn't mentioned her name for recommendation for the fall maiden, she wouldn't even know who Cinder was until after that night. She would still be here but she isn't because of me. Then the shit with Cinder, I know she needed to die but she wasn't always like that. She was an important part of my life once upon a time. I'm just so sick of losing people. Then you have the shit with Oz and the fact that I can't kill Salem no matter how powerful I become. All this shit is just too much man. Too much.
I look up at Pyrrha's statue face.
Zack- Pyrrha, I know you're not here no more but if you can hear my voice, I just want to say that I'm sorry for everything. I hear footsteps coming from behind me. A hand places on my left shoulder and I turn my head to see that it's my team.
Ethan- This has gotta stop man.
Elias- I know we just got you back but you're not here all the way.
Dante- You've changed since beacon. You're hurting both mentally and emotionally. We can see through your countless fake smiles. You blame yourself for Pyrrha's death, you had to kill someone that you were close to once, Ozpin lied to us and you and tried to use you as a weapon, and you fought that Kai guy.
Elias- It wasn't your fault you know. Pyrrha knew what she was getting into. She most likely knew she wasn't going to win even with your help but she had to try because that was just the way she was.
Ethan- She may be gone but as long as you remember her for who she was, she'll always be here.
I get up and wipe my eyes.
Zack- Thanks guys.
Ethan- Now lets grab some food and head to the house. It's cold out here.
Meanwhile back at the house
Ruby (POV)
Maria, my team and I are on the front steps to the house and Qrow is drunk laid out on the steps.
Yang- I've never seen him this bad.
Ruby (annoyed) Come on. Let's get him up.
We sit Qrow up.
Qrow- (drunk) Agh. Why am I in the stairs?
Ruby- (annoyed) Probably because no one is home Uncle Qrow! We've been out looking for Oscar and Zack.
Qrow- (drunk) Oscar? Zack?
We hear footsteps to our left and see NJR, Jaune's sister Saphron, her wife Terra, and their baby.
Terra- (sarcastic) I'm sure this looks great to the neighbors.
Saphron elbow her in her side.
Ren- No luck?
Blake- No. You?
Ren shakes his head no.
Jaune- Don't worry. We're not going to Atlas without them.
Ruby- We?
Jaune smiles and turns to Saphron.
Jaune- Sorry we won't be staying.
Saphron- (smug) No you're not.
Terra- How about we get out of the cold.
The door to the house opens and Oscar appears.
Oscar- Oh was wondering when you'd get back.

Everyone- Oscar!!!We all run in and tackle hug him to the ground

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Everyone- Oscar!!!
We all run in and tackle hug him to the ground.
Weiss- You had us worried sick!
Ruby- Are you ok?!
Nora- What are you wearing?!
Terra- Is something cooking?
Oscar- Oh. I figured everyone would like a hot meal after spending all day outside looking for me I guess.
???- Oh really?! Then what are we gonna do with all this food we brought?!
We all turn around to see ZEED.
Everyone- Zack!!!
We all start to rush to hug him.
Zack- Wait!! Wait!! I got food in my hands!!!
We didn't care and tackled hugged him to the ground.
Zack- (anime cry)- Why is it always me?
We get off of him and I pull him up.
Zack- Before y'all say anything, Yes I'm ok, No I'm not hurt, why I was gone is because I was getting my shit for my clothes and I was in my feelings and had to sort my shit out. I didn't want to be bothered. I'm sorry for y'all having to look for me. Now what's this about y'all looking for Oscar?
Jaune- It was my fault we were all out there in the first place. Oscar, I am so sorry for earlier. I was way WAY out of line and
Oscar- No no. It's ok. These past few days I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to but I did some thinking and I do know that I want to everything I can with the time I might have left.
Jaune- Good. This team isn't the same without you Oscar. You too Zack.
Zack- Pssh. Naw.
There was a beeping sound coming from the kitchen.
Oscar- Oh no! The casserole!
Saphron- We're on it chef.
Terra and Saphron head into the kitchen.
Ruby- The combat gear looks good.
Zack- You rock that shit my boy.
Qrow slowly heads up the stairs.
Ruby- Where are you going now?
Qrow- I don't wanna get in the way of your celebration.
Ruby- You've been gone all day. Just sit with us.
Qrow- (Sigh) Look Ruby, I'm glad you kid worked out a uh..whatever that was but weren't not a single step closer to Atlas and I don't think Zack can teleport us all the way there with him still hurt like that.
Jaune- Actually, I think I may have an idea but it's sort of a no going back idea.
Zack: Do I smell a heist coming up. GTA 5 anyone?
Author: Why? Just why?
Ruby- Well, let's hear it.
Jaune- With Corodo on watch, only Atlas airships have clearance to leave to Solitas. So we steal an Atlas airship.
Weiss- That's not just breaking the law. That's definitely worse!
Yang- How would we even get onto the airfield?
Jaune- That part I haven't quite figured out yet but I
Qrow- Ok stop! Just stop! Look if this thing goes south this isn't something we can just fight our way out of. This is the Atlas military we're talking about. (Sigh) For your sake just drop this.
I look at Zack and he looks at me and we both nod.
Zack- Nah. I think this has some potential. I say let the him speak.
Qrow- Zack
Zack- I said let him speak!!
Ruby- Look I know you're just trying to protect us and you're afraid we can't do this but right now, I don't really care what you think Qrow!! Just because you're out of ideas doesn't mean we don't have options. Ozpin hasn't been here to tell us what to do but we've made it here anyways. We've been in bad situations before and we didn't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way. And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us kids, we'd be happy to have you.
Maria- (chuckles and looks at Qrow) looks like you didn't give her enough credit either.
Zack- Alright. Plan time. I'm so excited.
Author: They are about to do a gta style heist. For fuck sake. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and The King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now