Chapter 14 Volume 6 The Finale: Part 3

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Zack (POV)
He dashes for Yang but I get in the way and block him with one of my swords.
Zack- Nope.
I slash his left thigh and then spartan kick him back. Yang rushes in and goes for some blows. Adam strafes to avoid the punches and hits her back with strike. He glows and does an energy slice which Yang and I dodge. Yang shoots at him but he dodges and does three strikes which Yang blocks but gets pushed back. I jump on in and sword clash with him. I bring my sword down on top of his and force to the ground. I knee him in the jaw and backflip kick him right in the chin. He goes up and Yang comes in with a mid air kick. He rolls through the landing and comes back at me. I spin around him and slice him in his back and right side. Then I elbow his face and knee him in his gut. Then I finish off the combo with a downward hellfire charged slice which he blocks but is sent back to the edge of the natural bridge.
Adam- Enough!!
He goes really fast and circles around both Yang and I. He jumps in the air and brings his sword down which generates energy that came at us. It pushed both Yang and back to Blake's position.
Zack- Yang, his semblance is like yours. He absorbs energy through his sword, stores it, and then dishes it out when he's ready.
Yang- He gets to dish out damage without having to feel it? That's just cheap.
Zack- Well yeah. It's Adam so what do you expect? Anyway stay on your guard.
We both dash at him. He tries to hit both of us but Yang goes to his right and I go left. We both kick him in the back of his head and fall back. He turns his attention to me and shoots at me. I slice his bullets out of the air in style.

Yang- Show off!!Yang comes in at punches him in the face

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Yang- Show off!!
Yang comes in at punches him in the face. She hits multiple bicycle kicks but he blocks it. I go in for a strike but a blocks it and absorbs the energy and sends it back at me. Yang and I fall back to Blake. He looks at Blake and gets really pissed. He glows bright red and emits red energy from his sword. Yang gets in front of Blake and Adam releases an energy wave. I hop in the way of yang and take the hit.
YB- Zack!!!!
I the smoke clears and I'm on the edge of the bridge. My robot arm is kinda busted. I got slash marks on my face and they are bleeding. My chest wound has opened back up and is bleeding again.
Zack (telepathic talk)- How's it looking?
Cas- Nothin I can't handle but you're only limited to teleportation while I work to heal you.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Got it.
I look at Adam.
Zack- Really dude? Is this the best you've got? My momma hit harder than you. Just stop and leave us alone. You were my best friend once. I don't want to kill you but I will if I have to.
He doesn't say a word and draws his sword again.
Adam- Do you really believe that or are you just trying to scare me away so you won't have to die trying to protect them?
I smirk.
Yang and Blake come next to me and place their hands on my shoulders.
Blake- He's not protecting me Adam.
Yang- Or me.
Blake- And I'm not protecting him.
Yang- Ditto.
Zack- We're protecting each other douchebag.
Adam- You knew you couldn't win to on one at Haven Blake. What makes you so sure that adding a third will make any difference? What's makes you think you can win?
Blake- I don't have a choice. I have people who actually care about me and I promised that I would never leave them again. So I'm not dying now.
Zack- None of us are.
Adam- You know she made a promise to me once. That she always be at my side. You made that exact same promise too Zack. And look how well you both kept it.
Yang- Did they make that promise to you or the person that you were pretending to be?
Adam- So wasn't just good enough for you hun Blake.
Blake- You know it's so much more than that.
Adam- I know you've made your choice and I've made mine.
He gets in his stance and so do we. We rush Adam head on. I clash with Adam as Blake and yang leap over him. They hit him in the back and I back off. He slices at Blake but she jumps over it and Yang runs by him and shoots him. I run and slide by him and slash his calf. Blake kicks him in his back and it sends him to Yang which she punches him out of the air. He recovers and Blake is immediately in front of him slicing at him. He blocks but then gets punched in the face by Yang and then I bicycle knee him in the face which knocks him away. Blake throws her whip at Adam but he knocks it away. Blake holds the sword end while yang grabs the sword and yanks it. Blake and whips toward Adam and they sword lock. Sparks fly and Adam releases the energy and blasts Blake away. She hits the rocks behind the waterfall and falls. She barely grabs the edge of the the natural bridge but she's hanging on for dear life.
ZY- Blake!!
I teleport to the edge and grab Blake. I mouth 1...2....3 and toss her up. She lands on the ground and we see Yang pretty much go super saiyan and punch Adam really hard in the stomach that he made a big ass crater in the ground when landed.
Author: Really Zack? Really?
Zack: What? It's what she looked like in the episode.
Yang still had his sword and she threw it over the edge. I grab Blake and toss her at Adam as he went to save his sword. She uppercut Adam and he stumbled back. Blake's sword was between them. All of us rush to the sword. Blake reaches it first and stabs in the chest while yang grabbed a really sharp rock and stabbed him in his back. I came around and sliced his throat. The sword and the rock got removed from him and he stumbled towards the edge holding his gushing throat and falls to his knees. I walk over to him and put my foot on his back.
Zack- How far you've fallen Adam.
I push him off the edge and he falls off and hits a rock with a sickening crush and then his body hits the water. I go back to the girls and Blake falls to the ground and begins to cry. Yang runs over and hugs her. I feel a overwhelming sense of frustration and anger build up inside me until I snap.
Zack- FUCK!!!!
They both look at me and I look at the ground.
I fall to my knees and start punching the ground.
Zack- DAMN IT WHY?!!!!
The girls come by and hug me tightly.
Blake- Shhhh. It's not your fault.
Yang- Do did everything you could do. That was on him.
I calm down.
Zack- I'm just glad you two are safe.
We stay in stay in that hug for a little while longer as we listened to the sound of rushing water and waves splashing against coastline.
Author: Well Adam bit the dust. That boy is dead. He got stabbed from front and back and he got his throat cut open. Oh well. He deserved it. Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter

Zack Fullbuster and The King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 6Where stories live. Discover now