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I could see fear and confusion written over Ardo's face when Bill called out for me..
It's not like he's even close to my bedroom. His footsteps are just echoing...I don't understand why Ardo will be so frightened. Honestly, I don't give a damn if he sees us in this compromising situation.. At least this may trigger him and he'll divorce me.. His footsteps drew closer and Ardo stiffen beneath me..
But his phone rang and he walked out to pick his call..
"You're trying to trap me in a difficult situation.."Ardo whispered. I smiled. What a smart ass.
"it's no big deal.. Ardo.. Don't tell me that you're afraid of your brothers wrath.."
"Of course not.. But i won't be able to help you once am on my fathers black list.. I have to go back to my room.. See you downstairs" he pecked me and hurried away.. When will he realise that his father is only manipulating him..

I hurried to the bathroom, rinsed my face and apply little makeup.. As i hurried downstairs, I bumped into Ardo.. We stumbled and fell down the stairs.. What the hell! Ardo held me tight on my waist as he spun me around while he hits his back hard on the bare tiles and i clunched tight to his body..
"Mummy.." my children rushed to me as i glance at their direction but they stoped on their track as they saw their father..
"Daddy.." Cassius and Castilo ran to embrace Bill who wasn't pleased to meet them.. He forwarded his gaze at me and Ardo.. Ardo released me immediately and i gently stood up..
"Are you hurt.." Ardo asked me with concern as he tried to examine me but i stopped him..
"Am alright Ardo.. Come sit down let me tend to these cuts" i said leading him to sit on the couch.. That's when i noticed the presence of Shilla, her husband Marcelo and their little daughter Altagracia.. Shilla rushed to get the first aid kit for me..
"Thanks.." i said to her as she handed the kit over to me. Thank goddness it's not a deep cut..
Cassius and Castilo assisted me to dress the cut and Bill stood like a statue staring at me..
"Mia...Mia.." Ardo called me but i ignored him, lower my gaze and tried to examine his body further to know if he sustained another injury but he held my hand..
"Mia.. Please look at me.." he shook me gently as i raised my gaze and he held mine captive..
"Am alright.." he whispered his breath fanning my skin..
"You shouldn't be...." the sound of clapping interrupts him.. We turned to look at the source of the sound.. It's no other than Bill himself.. He will once again make a mountain out of a muthill....
"Sis.. Please take the children upstairs" i said to Shilla.. She murmured something under her breath and took the children away.. Bill stalked towards us like we were his prey..but who cares.
I walked up to him and he stopped inches away from me.. He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him roughly..
I pretended to be frightened as he used his other free hand to squeeze my cheeks. roughly..
"Let her go.. Bill" Ardo said and he pull me away from Bills grip.. Instead of thanking Ardo i slapped him...
Oops.. 'Sorry man..' i said to him silently..
"Don't you dare interfere in our marital issue.." i said pointing a finger at him..
"But Mia.. He was assaulting you" Ardo defends his actions..
"He's my husband.. You're just a friend.." i said..
"Nope.. He's not just a friend to you sweetheart.." Bill said and spun me around swifly as i come face to face with him
"He's your friend with benefits.. How dare you try to friend zone him in my presence you little filty whore" he spat with so much bitterness as my chest rised in anger and i tried my possible best not to explode because that could ruin my plans..
"Bill to my office.." my father inlaw shouted from upstairs..
"But..." Bill tried to protest...
"Now.." he commands him and Bill angrily marched away to his command.. I turned to Marcelo whose smiling at me..
"I need the footage of what happened.. I'll send you the photos of this marks on my body.. You know what to do next.." he nods and left.. I quickly took the photos and send it to him..
"You really do impress me Mia.. You've become more cunning and deceptive" Ardo said smiling at me..
"Sorry that i hit you...I just wanted..."
"it's not a big deal.. I'll always be at your service Mia.." He paused for a while before he spook up..
"But there's something i don't understand.. If you have all this prove against him why not file for the divorce yourself.." he asked curiously.. I smiled
"because that will prove his allegations to be true.. That i want to divorce him to be with you and that's the reason he became violent with me.." i answered him and he smiled..
"All these show is just to trap him.. You always amaze me Mia.." Ardo said to me..
Relax Ardo...
It's just the beginning... 


On my way to my liabrary.
I heard a loud slamming sound.. I followed the direction to seek for the source of the sound I watched helplessly as my son and daughter inlaw fell down the stairs but like a gentle man my son shielded Emilia.. I stood quietly as I watched how Edwardo and Emilia care for one another.. They remind me so much of what real love ought to be.. Edwardo tried to examine her but she stopped him...
"am alright Ardo come.. Sit down let me tend to your cuts" She said.. My daughter, her husband Marcelo and their three years old daughter Altagracia walked in.. Emilia led Edwardo to sit on the couch.. While Sandra rushed to get the first aid kit..
"Thanks" Emilia said to Sandra as she grabbed the kit from Sandra.. My grandson Cassius and Castilo assisted Emilia to dress Edwardo's wound while  Bill stood like an angry statue with clench fist staring at them.. he doesn't even seem to care if they're injured...
"Mia.. Mia.." Edwardo called Emilia but she ignore him as she lower her gaze and tried to examine his body further to confirm if he sustained another injury but Edwardo held her hand.
"Mia.. Please look at me" He urged her and shook her gently.. She raised her gaze as they lock eyes together.. I couldn't hear what they were whispering..
But it only angered bill..
He suddenly started clapping drawing their attention..
"Sis.. Please take the children upstairs.." Emilia said to Sandra.. She hurriedly took the children away..
Bill stalked towards them..
To be honest I felt a fight breaking out in the next few seconds. Emilia courageously stepped forward and Bill halted inches away from her.. He grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her closer to him..
She looked frightened and in pain.. Bill use the other free hand to squeeze her cheek roughly.. She wines in pain..
"Let her go.. Bill" Edwardo yelled and he forcefully pulled her away from Bill's grip.. I was expecting Emilia to run into Ardo's arms but shockingly she slapped him..
"Don't you dare interfere in our marital issues.." she warned him angrily pointing a finger at Edwardo..
"But Mia.. He was assauting you" Edwardo tried to defend his action..
"He's my husband.. You're just a friend.." she shouted at him.. wow she's standing for her husband but the next words Bill spilled hit me like a bomb....
"Nope.. He's not just a friend to you sweetheart.." Bill said and spun Emilia around..
"He.. He's your friend with benefit.. How dare you try to friend zone him in my presence.. You filty whore" Bill spat as a aderline rush through..
"Bill.. To my office"i yell at him.. I couldn't bear to watch all these drama anymore....
"But.." he tried to protest and i raised my finger to shun him..
"Now" i said in my most authoritative voice and he obeyed ..

I went straight to my office and he came few seconds after me..
I took deep calming breaths..
"What the hell is wrong with you.." i asked raising my voice..
"Nothing father and i don't regret my actions.."
"You have no right to manhandle your wife" i warned him grinding my teeth..
"Bullshit.." he spat
"As long as you're in my house you live by my rules.."
"father.. I tend to lose my temper each time I see those children especially Cassius... And most especially when i see my wife and brother together.. I.....I just lose my mind.."
"listen to me young man.. I sent you to England to start up a business but that was an avenue for you to be alone.. To think things through and come up with a decision.. Two years is a long time. A sufficient time to have come to a conclusion on what you want.. Am your father and all I want for you is of your best interest.. Whatever you decide I'll always support you.." I said sincerely..
"No father.. All you care about is your favourite son.. You don't give a damn about me.. Afterall am your illegitimate son.. Please don't be a hypocrite.." With that he walked out on me..

In anger i called Edwardo to meet me in my library and he came rushing in..
"What's the matter father.." Edwardo asked me with a concerned look.. I stood up from my chair and stood face to face with him..
"You must stay away from your brother's wife.. Keep your feelings to yourself and put in mind that she's your brother's wife" I warned him in anger as he stared at me in shock..
"Am sorry father.. But i can't heed to your command.." he said and lowered his gaze staring at the ground..
"No offspring of mine will dare challenge my decision.."
"I've always obeyed your commandments.Your words were like my own ordinance but not when it involves Mia.." he spook further.
"Why are you bent on depriving me of this little source of happiness... She's married to you brother for God's sake.." I tried to make him understand me.
"What wrong have i done father? You always rob me of my happiness to please your illegitimate son.. And you claim you love me the most.. If you truely love me then prove yourself worthy as my father not my boss.." my heart missyoured a beat as i held the edge of my desk to support myself
"I'll take my leave.." i nod my head in agreement and he left leaving me speechless..
'Am i such a bad father..' i asked myself as more questions floded my mind..

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