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My father's word kept ringing in my head... How dare him ask such a thing from me..
He knows how much i love Mia.. If i can't have her as my woman.. Atleast as my friend..
I can't stay away from Mia even if i tried to I need to leave this house before it turns into a disaster.. I stormed downstairs..
I stopped as Mia approach me.. We stared at each other for a while and i forcefully tear my gaze away.. I marched outside snobing her as she stalk after me calling my name.. I couldn't ignore her for long so i stopped and turned around to face her.. She was about to say something when i raised my index finger to silence her..
"Not now.. Mia" i flitter my gaze everywhere and i noticed that everyone was staring down at us including the children..
Mia uses this opportunity to stand next to my car..
I turned my attention back to her as i stare at her angrily..
"Please.. Mia move out of my way or else" i paused taking a deep breath..
"Am not afraid of your silly threat.. Ardo"
"why don't you understand that i need go" i said pushing her and she hits her back on my car..
It felt like a knife pierced through me.. I winch in pain as i released my grip but she stood before me fearlessly and calm..
"Am sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt you i swear"
"i know.. You would never let any harm come to me Ardo.. Never"
"that's the more reason.. I need to go alone.."i tried to reason with her..
"No.. You're wrong.." she said with a smile and i raised my eyebrow in confusion..
"What do you mean..?" i ask curiously..
"You promised to always protect me right?.." she asked and i nod my head in confirmation
"and you swore never to hurt me nor let harm come my way.."she asked again...
"yeah" i replied confidently
"so that's the more reason i have to go with you because as long as am with you no harm will come near me which also applies to you.. So let's go" she said and entered the car..
What kind of woman is she? i asked myself.....
i entered my car and drove out..
We sat in a comfortable silence throughout the drive while i stole glances of her.. We finally arrive at my house.. We walk inside together and i ordered all my housekeppers to leave the house.. I was too pissed to entertain the sight of another person...
"You should have atleast left one maid inside with us.. Who will stand as a witness because i might attempt to kill you" she said mockingly and i laughed..
I sat on the bare tiles facing her as i rest my head on her lap..
She caressed my hair softly....
"Do you wanna talk about it" she whispered and i nod my head lazily..
"Dad warned me to stay away from you and i challenged him for the first time in my life.. I challenged my father's decision" i said with so much bitterness, anger and regret....
"Am sorry I got you involved in my mess" she said and i raised my head and sit next to her..
"It's not your fault Mia.."
"Yes it is.." she said raising her voice.. We both stared at each other
"I'm only using you to achieve my selfish needs." she said and my heart arch in pain hearing those words from her mouth.. "You may be right.. But you didn't compel me to help you.. I helped you out of my own free will and because i love you.. Mia.." i said sincerely..
"How can you love some one like me.. Am only using you and playing with your emotions.."
"No, you're wrong.. Am helping you because i want to always see you happy.. Your pain is my pain and in your happiness I find my happiness Mia.. This is what love is like... Fighting for the happiness of your loved ones ignoring your own pain.." i said and cupped her cheeks..
"That means am a heartless and selfish bitch" she said with a forceful smile..
"No Mia, you coming here with me proves that you care.." She caressed my chest as i breath in a sharp breath because her action just turned me on.. She stopped as she noticed my bulge....
"You're responsible for this.." i defended myself..
"When last did you get laid.." she asked me and i smiled..
"For a long time i haven't gotten laid but sometimes i get worked up by myself"
"you really need to get laid because...."she said
"You should help me.. Mia" i said interupting her..
"Am married.. Ardo"she sigh
"with all my knowledge of marriage.. I can prove it to you that you're single.. You and my brother are just living together with your children.."
"What do you mean.. Ardo.. What are you trying to tell me.." she asked searching my eyes for some answers.. I guess i went overboard with my sentiment..
I didn't plan to tell her now but since my mouth won't control itself I guess it's high time i let the cat out of the basket..
"Okay..I'll tell you but you must first promise not to overreact.."
"i promise.. Just tell me the truth" she whines like a child..
"You're not legally married to Bill.." she laughed
"how can you say that.. I signed those documents that day and the priest sealed us together.."
"Yeah.. I know that.. It was just a scam.. A show that was created and hatched by me.."
"Throw more light.. Ardo.. What the hell are you talking about" she asked getting angry..
"I switched the priest.. The documents are invalid.. Which means your marriage is null and void.." i explained raising my voice at her..
"How dare you.. You lied to me.. How could you stoop so low as to faking my own wedding.. What the hell were you thinking? What gave you the right to cheat me the way you did Ardo.. For God sake Ardo.. I trusted you.. I confinded in you.. You betrayed me big time..You completely fooled me.. You made a mockery of me and my honesty.. I hate you for lieing to me.. I don't want to see your face ever again..". She pushed me hard on my chest and i stumbled and fall down..
I watched heplessly and shocked as she walked out of my house I didn't realise that i was actually crying until i felt my cheek stained with hot liquid..
'I've lost everything' i said to myself.....

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now