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Today is the day when we're finally gonna get the DNA report.. Everybody is seated in pairs on the parlor couch waiting..
Bill's eyes is flaming red and am sure he has planned something out of the ordinary but I won't give him the privilege to insult me.. His end is near...
I never imagined that Cassius and Castilo would have to witness such a scene. It's just not fair...
The doctor greeted us and handed the report to my father in-law...
He unsealed the white envelope as he read the report...
His expression remained blank... He passed the paper to his brother.. His brother passed it to Marcelo... That was how it was passed to every one of us seated... Bill was the last person to read the report and he furiously threw the paper away... Typical Bill.. I've never seen such an irascible person..
His plans to hurt me has been sabotaged and has in turn hurt him...
Poor guy... No one messes with me...
"I don't believe this report... It's forged.." Bill shouted...
"That's exactly why i got the report made by different reliable doctors.. Take a look at it" Mr Williams said throwing an envelope at Bill..
But Bill didn't pick it up he kicked it away..
I smiled to myself..
Its time to be Hocus-Pocus...
I turned to him...
"Why are you bent on frustrating my life.. If you're incapable of fulfilling your responsibility as their father.. I don't have a problem with it.. But don't you dare point accusing fingers at me.."
"This is what you're good at you damned bitch.. You screw around with my brother and claim to be innocent but I won't give you what you seek for, bitch.. I won't divorce you...Never..." Bill spats
"Father.. Uncle.. I need a sincere answer from you... If am what he thinks I am then why does he hesitate to divorce me.." I ask cunningly...
They all became quiet.. My words seems to sink deep into them.. Their expression shows that I have a valid point...
"I'll give you the answer... That's because your lovely son here, Bill, my suppose husband isn't really my husband...."I raised my voice..
"What is she talking about son..???" Mr Williams ask Bill
Bill lowered his gaze as he became strangely quiet...
He was shocked.. Such a fool..
He knows our marriage was void..
But today am gonna find out how long he withheld this vital information from me..
"He faked our marriage... He hired a fake priest and a lawyer who lost his license a long time ago... He's a fucking fraud..." Oops that came out wrong.. I forget the children were here with us.. Hopefully they ignored my mistake....
"Would you care to explain yourself young man or else I'll personally have you locked up.." Mr Williams shouted angrily....
"I didn't do it intentionally... I found out five years ago... I caught my wife and brother flirting in the kitchen... I got very jealous and upset.. I headed to our family lawyer and asked him to file for divorce for me.. But then he told me that my marriage was not registered and I couldn't legally divorce her when we were not legally married.." Bill explained to us with a tune of sadness...
Now I understand why he always refused to file for the divorce.. This is my perfect opportunity to give him the last bullet..
I Walked up to Bill and I handed him an envelope..
"Take this.." I said handing him the envelope...
He read through it over and over again...
He glanced up at me with a questionable look..
"What's the meaning of this..??"  Bill asked me
"Its a restraining order.. Bill" I said evilly..
"You can't do this to me..." Bill said
"Sorry to burst your bubbles... I already did what I had to do.. We're moving out today.."
I held my children's hand and we left him.. Ignoring Bill...


I've been parambulating around Alejandro's ward. Over an hour now, he has been in the operating theatre.. With three annoying prison guards clenched at the theatre door with guns aiming at the door as if my unconcious brother might attempt to flee from here..
I couldn't stay here all by myself due to the restlessness i felt.. I called Zena but she didn't pick up.. So i sent her a voicemail..
I called my girlfriend Nela..But her line wasn't reachable..
So i decided to call my sister Emilia..
I hold no grudge against her..
She picked up and i gave her the name of the hospital.. Few minutes later.. She rushed in with my two handsome nephews, her brother inlaw, Sandra, Marcelo and their daughter Altagracia... She embraced me as warmth of love and peace spread through us.. It felt so good.. Despite all the damages she has done, she's our only sister.. My family..
"He's gonna be fine.. Nils" she whispered  in my ear.. I nod my head lazily..
"He has gone through worst and tough situations.. He'll scale through this time as well.." she said out loudly as i stared into her eyes.. I could see courage.. Faith.. Love and hatred..
"So, you came?" a familiar voice questioned from behind us.. Zena marched towards us in rage.. Her eyes piercing through my sister's skin.. When will the war between these two best friends end.. They're always at each other's throat..
"You must be disappointed he survived such brutal attack.." Zena said as she stood face to face with Emilia.. There's an unusual smile on Zena's face.. '
'What the heck is going on..?' i asked myself as they embraced each other.. I stared at them in awe..
"What the hell is going on here..?" i asked but my voice came out louder than expected.. They broke free from each other and burst into laughter..
These two cat and rat have fooled me.. I shook my head as i burst into laughter with them.
"You gat me completely fooled my boss lady" i said as i stopped laughing
"The look on your face when we embraced each other was priceless" Emilia said mockingly and others began to laugh at me...
"You guys must be happy.. Have fun making a fool of me.." i said feeling defeated.. They all stared at me remorsefully
"Mood swing.. Guys.. Your stare is frighening the life out of me" i said attempting to lighten the mood and it worked
"Look, the light has gone off.." Cassius spoke up and i stood up anxiously.. The nurses rushed out.. Few minutes later the doctor came out with a frown..
"How's he doc..?"i asked curiously. He was about to reply me when the alarm rang and he rushed inside and the door slamed to my face.. The two prison guards quickly stood in front me.. Staring at me evily..
"Chill man.. Am just checking up on my dude" i said and went back to meet the others
"no news" i said to them
"Is uncle bad guy gonna be alright..?" Castilo asked me with tears in his eyes.. I wiped off the tears with my thumb and said
"Yes.. He's a fighter and he never lost any battle before.. He won't lose now.. With your love and faith he'll win this time.." I said cupping his face but i felt like i was trying to convince myself.. He ran to Emilia and she hugged him..
"Promise me you'll do any thing to help uncle bad guy recover quickly" Cassius ask..
"Mummy.. Come on, say you promise.." Castilo chipped in and Emilia smiled
"i promise.." Emilia said and pecked them..
"I need to speak with the patient's family urgently.." the doctor called from behind us.. Emilia and i walked up to him.. "How's he doc.." i asked again..
"Am gonna be frank with you mr. Julo he's in great danger"
"what do you mean doc..?" Emilia asked interupting the doctor....
"Whatever it is you need, get it from other hospitals urgently if you don't have it here.. Money is not a problem for us" Emilia said worriedly
"we've done that.. Mrs. Gate.. but"
"Emilia.." she said shunning the doctor
"pardon.." the doctor asked confused
"my name is Emilia. Miss Emilia Smith" she said giving him a death glare
"my appologizes.. Miss.. But am afraid that his blood type is rare and the condition he is.."
"spare me that trash and tell me what the fuck is wrong with him" Emilia shuned the doctor angrily..
"If he doesn't get blood in the next thirty minutes.. Am afraid he's gonna die" the doctor answer sincerely..
"Am type O" Emilia said sadly
"Wow, you're a perfect match.. We'll just have to do a routine of tests before you donate your blood" the doctor said with a smile..
"There's no need for the test.. I'll just sign an undertaking.. Just take my blood he has few minutes left.. Please doctor, compromise a little for us.." Emilia pleaded and the doctor nods his head....
"Sorry to interupt but Mia won't be able to donate blood because if she does she may die and if that happens her son Cassius will also die" Edwardo said and my heart ached..
I felt helpless and confused..
Why is God so unfair to me..?"

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