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I glared at Mia frostily as she stood like a statue looking at her sons..
"Mum is uncle our real daddy.?" Cassius asked. The twins ran to Mia shaking her haphazardly..
"Mummy.. Tell us the truth.. Please" Castilo nagged her.. She kissed their cheeks.. Giving equal attention to both of them..
"Sweethearts.. you already know the answer to that question.." she smiled at them...
"But mummy.. I want uncle to be my real daddy. He's nice" Castilo grumbled and my heart gladdened...
"Yeah mummy.. I look so much like him and daddy is so mean to me.." Cassius chipped in and they ran to me..
I lifted them up in a warmth embrace..
"We love you so very much.." they said and kissed my cheek..
"I wish you were my real daddy" Cassius whispered in my ear..
'Oh!!! i wish so" i said to myself..
I placed them down on their feets and hushed something into their ears that made them hurry upstairs.. I waited until they were out of sight then i walked up to Mia, pulled her into a much needed hug and breath in her scent.. I know am overstepping bounds but there's no harm in trying to comfort her right? Besides she smells so good. She pulled away from me all of a sudden and frowned..
"How dare you sniff me..." She raised her voice. My boss lady.. Her temper turned me on.. Pull your shit together man...
"You know i hate it when i'm been sniffed" she said with a mischievious smile on her lips..
"I couldn't control myself.. Your scent calms me down.. Its like am addicted to you Mia. Every man has his price. Mine is to have you as my own" i said with a smirk..
"You're priceless. to me.. But am not in love with you.. I can't be yours" she whispered frowning...
"You don't need to feel it.. You'll show it.." i proclaimed confidently.. She smiled at me...
"fine words butter no bread " she said bodly
"time shall tell.. I stand by my words.." i replied and she walked away.. As her figure retreated,
I thought about what she said and my heart ached at the thought of it..
Can i ever be truly loved by those i love..?


I couldn't figure out why the Mayor's wife will find so much interest in my case and decide to help me..
What could be her motive behind this..???
How could she have been able to figure out Emilia's past when I was unable to get any solid information...
I don't give a damn about her beef with Emilia but what I want in life is to be the only man on earth with the privilege of torturing her the way and manner which pleases me..
That after am done with her she'll wish she was dead..
But i won't give her the pleasure of an easy death..
She will suffer a thousand times of what I passed through behind these shackles...
I smiled to myself just thinking about how to take revenge on Emilia...
I felt the shadow of someone and I turned around... What the heck do these guards want from me..??
"Hey!!! there..." One of the guards pointed towards my direction.. This guard is a fool.. He's talking as if I wasn't the only one in my cell..
"Yeah.. " I responded harshly
"You have a guest..." He said as he opened my cell...
'A guest' I asked myself..
With my clouded thoughts I trailed after the guards and he pointed the direction of my guest..
"Nils.. " I whispered to myself and walked up to him and sat down quietly..
We sat in silence for several seconds..
"I have good news for you...
The new Mayor has decided to give freedom to 10 prisoners who have been of good behaviour during their years of confinement... Luckily your name was mentioned.." Nils spoke up and my heart rejoiced but my facial expression remained blank and cold..
"When I'm i leaving this hell Nils?" I asked curiously..
"Next week.. Dude you're gonna be a freeman once again.." Nils said with a smile..
"No dude.. I could never be a freeman until I see my father's murderer and make him or her pay dearly.." I said with bitterness and pain in my heart... And i meant every single word that i uttered..
"Do you have any clue that could lead us to uncle's murderer" Nils asked me curiously.. Anderline rushed through my vein as anger consumed within me just thinking of her.. I fought an inner battle so as to remain calm..
"I don't know but i know for a fact that whoever this person is should be close to us.. Someone whose aware of our every move.. Someone we love so much and we think loves us in return.. Someone we could never be suspicious of.."
I tried to explain hoping my clues will aid him to know who am referring to..
"Someone like Zena.. Emilia.. Or me" Nils said with uncertainty.. Then he shook his head in disbelief..
"No brother.. We're like family and dad's death affected every one of us.. Zena has been like a sister to us and the best friend of our only sister.. I just lost my mom and uncle was the only close relative I had left.. Why would I even conceive such cruel thoughts to eliminate him..???" He explained himself as he continued to shake his head
"And Emilia...???" I asked biting my tongue not to call her a bitch in Nils presence...
"Nope.. Don't even say something like that.. Our Emilia, the apple of uncle's eye.. Someone who sacrificed her love just to fulfil his last wish.. I bet my life on her... She's not capable of hurting a fly.. She could never do something she wouldn't like others to do to her... She could never kill her own father... Never.. Ever" Nils spoke with so much assurance and confidence..
I remained quiet as I studied his ignorance.. I began to picture his facial expression if he finds out what his lovely sister did... It's best I keep quiet... He might suffer from shock or depression and end up in the mental asylum... No.. I won't give that witch the opportunity to harm my brother...
"You're right... She could never do something so cruel.. Nor would Zena...
There must be an underground person.." I lied ... But I felt like I was saying it to myself to convince myself that my Emilia could never be so cold hearted as to killing our father no matter the circumstance.. She loved father more than any one could ever love him...
'Could my Emilia be truly capable of killing father???? What if she was told to tell me...what if she's covering for the real killer' I asked myself.. What the hell is wrong with me..??
Why am I feeling the sudden ecstasy towards her..???
There must be something wrong with me..
"How's she doing...???" I couldn't stop myself from asking..
"She's fine.. We talked on phone last night and she wants to divorce her husband..."He replied with a tone of sadness.. Like there's more to it... My heart grew in anticipation of what the fuck is going on in her life recently...
"There's rumor that she's having an affair with her brother In-law.. Edwardo.." Nils said further and I suddenly became angry..
'But why do I still feel this hurt whenever I hear she's with another man...'
"What did she say to these allegations laid on her..????" I asked nervously..
A little part of me wish she denies the allegations and defend herself...
"She denied the allegations" Nils answered like though he was reading my mind..
"She claims he's her best friend..
I do believe her but their closeness is questionable and the allegation never separated them.. It only strengthen their bound... Even her children are closer to Edwardo than their father, Bill" Nils replied
"There's a possibility that those kids could be Edwardo's and not Bill.." I chipped in angrily..
"No dude... Her life is transparent.. I have my full trust on my sister.." Nils replied also in anger and disappointment at my statement...

I angrily walked away without sparing him a glance and the guards escorted me to my cell..
I sat down on my bed lost in thoughts... Trying to unravel the puzzle Emilia is playing with me...
I noticed the presence of someone in my cell but I thought it was my friend Bright.. Forgetting about him, I stood up quietly pacing around my room to find a reliable moment to strike... Thank God am leaving this hell hole few days from now...
Maybe I should have just told Nils about Emilia. That way we could work together in torturing her but he might not even believe me since he feels I think too lowly of her now.... Darm you Emilia. You have no right to manipulate and turn my family against me.... Whatever game you're playing will come to an end immediately I leave here. Just watch your back closely...
As I came to a halt from all the pacing, I discovered I was out of breath. I took deep breaths to calm myself but someone gripped my shoulder.. why would Bright grip my shoulder this hard? I tried to turn around but I felt a sudden sharp pain on my back...
I forcefully spun around to see the person but I couldn't..... Shit, I've been stabbed....

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now