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Going back home to Mexico city is like digging up old grave.. Well Ardo was right.. Its time to settle old scores.. I will eradicate the plague that has befallen my household even if its the last thing i do on earth. I just pray that my innocent children won't suffer for my sins..
"are you alright.. Mia" Ardo asked worriedly. I nod and lazily rest my head on his shoulder but he adjusted himself and placed my head on his lap and i smiled at his tenderness.. He rubbed my stomach gently while holding my gaze captive.. The storm within me halted as peace overwhelmed my heart..
''I can also feel the storm inside of you..'' I whispered as i stared into his eyes searchingly and he faked a smile but i knew deep down him he is just as scared as i am.
''i'm just worried about you.. You're looking very pale.'' he paused for a while like he was mustering up the courage to speak up
''Am scared.. Mia'' he breathed out. I lifted myself up gently with my hands wrapped around his neck before tangling my hand in his hair.. Pressing my body closer as i caressed him.. His eyes darken and i laughed softly.. I pressed my lips against his jaw softly and he lifted my head up with his hand cupping my cheeks and kissed me pouring out all his emotions, fears, and pain into the kiss.. He broke the kiss and we held our gaze while gasping for air..
''You're the best thing that has ever happened to me'' he whispered and i flashed him a geniue smile and he laughed..
''What gender would you like our child to be'' I asked and he smiled before replying 
''i want a beautiful daughter with eyes like mine and a heart like yours..''
''really?'' I asked him and he nod
''Do you have a name for our daughter in mind?'' he asked
'Mia..'' I blurted out without thinking and he whispered
''Ximena.. You're my one and only Mia.. Our daughter will be our pride and you'll have to watch her grow and bake those lovely vanilla cream cake for her birthday.. Our little Ximena will have her mother by her side'' he whispered as tears dropped from his eyes and he quickily wipped it off with his thumb.. He won't easily accept my death but our little Ximena will be his strength.
''Ximena it is..'' i replied and he embraced me tightly.. He let go of me when we heard a gentle knock
''Come in'' Ardo shouted and the flight attendant walked in
''boss.. We'll be landing in ten minutes.'' she said and i dismissed her
''i hope you know we'll be crowded with reporters'' Ardo asked and i nod..
''i would like to answer their questions'' i replied with full confidence and he kissed my forehead.. He walked to the bathroom and came back briefly with my makeup kit.. He led me to the dressing mirror and i sat down gently.. He combed my hair and styled it into a ponytail before touching my makeup.. I stared at myself in awe..
''Thank you.. I look amazing'' i appreciated his effort and he smiled. We marched out majestically as camera light flashed at us and I smiled and kissed Ardo on his lips. He was shocked but I could see a river of different emotions running through his eyes but he quickly recovered and masked it..

REPORTER 1: Miss Emilia Smith is it true that you fled because you lost your company?

ME: No, i just went on a vacation.. Based on my doctor's advise..

REPORTER 2: It is rumoured that you're having an affair with your ex brother in-law, Mr Edwardo Gate. 

And i scoffed

ME: I was never legally married to him and he was just the biggest mistake of my life but am pleased to announce to you all that am happily married to Ardo and we're expecting a child soon''
I replied with a smile and i held Ardo's hand tightly for support..

REPORTER 1: Congratulations on your marriage but I would like you to throw more light on your emergency vacation?''

ARDO: Like my wife said It was her doctor's advice to help her recover quickly

REPORTER 3: Does this doctor advised involves you both getting married secretly..?

She's definitely trying to push me to anger but I won't fall for it..

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now