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"She's a strong woman. You know it's hard to track down Walter's address.." he complained

I know he's the best tracker and great at his work but right now I'm way too angry and everything is all fucked up..

"We'll find her soon" he whispererd

"How soon, she's trafficking drugs from one country to another.. What if she get caught??" I shouted

"We hope not.. We should think positive" he said and I rolled my eyes..

"She's in great danger.. Marc" I whispered as he wrapped his hands around me..

I gat this uneasy feeling after Cassius told me his dream. I know for sure that something is wrong..

"She's a fighter" Marc whispererd

"Sometimes, fighters get tired after exhausting their strength" I whispered back.

He was about to say something but was interrupted by a phone call..

"Nils is calling.. I hope it's good news" he said before picking up the call..

I dragged the phone from his hand and set it on loud speaker

"Bro!! Meet me at the police station.." he said urgently and worried and my heart missed a beat but I tried to stay calm..

"What happened Nils" I asked anxiously

"Emilia has been arrested" he broke the news and my heart broke into a million pieces..


I don't regret working for Walter. I've been able to gather little evidence against him but I need more proof..

His wife Panel has been of great help to me.. She and Felipe has been my backbone behind the little evidence I gat..

Bottom line is that, my arrest is also part of my plan..

The only way to get the police help is to create awareness of my deeds..

For the past few days I've been trading drugs and loddering money from one country to another..

I just hope all my sacrifice is worth it..

"I can't believe I found you here" I heard detective Felix's voice..

His my father's trusted cop..

He has lived up to his legacy and I know he'll help me..

"I can't believe it either" I replied him

"I have gone through your statement and have discussed your proposal with my boss.. You'll get your reply soon" he said and I laughed.

"I need you to confine in me.. I may be able to persuade the board of authority."

"I've said it over and over again.. I got into this business after my son was kidnapped.. He threatened to kill my son if I don't sell his damn drug"

"But your son is back home"

"Yeah that's all part of the deal.. I work for him and he let my son go.."

"Who are you working for??" he asked calmly.

"King Tega" I replied looking pissed off..

"It's impossible!! That man is literally invisible" he scoffed not convinced

UNVEILING THE MASK (Sequence 2)Where stories live. Discover now