Mystery Solved

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Chapter Seventeen

"Cut the crap already will you? I know that you are working with Alpha Rogers. What I don't know is why. He wants to overthrow The Council and rule the WereWorld which clearly you have no interest in doing, tell me why you're working for him, and tell me who wanted my brother dead. That is all I want to know."

He sighed and leaned forward on his throne "For the last time little wolf I do not work for him, alliances with lycanthropes are beneath me. I can however tell you who ordered Rogers to kill your brother, but let me warn you now... it's shocking."

"Enough with the games." I spat out impatiently as he smirked.

"Very well, the person responsible for his murder is none other than the great Grayson Moon."

My heart screeched to a halt as I attempted to process his words, only I couldn't process it at all because it is completely and utterly ridiculous. Father would never do something so heinous, especially to his beloved son.

"You are wrong, my father would never do such a thing. Ian is his golden boy, he wanted nothing more than for him to take over as alpha."

Remember what we saw Adeline. Grayson threatened Ian right before he was killed. Raina whispered and my mind wanted to explode.

"Little Wolf" He patronized teasingly "My dear child that is exactly what he wanted the world to think so that he wouldn't look guilty. Grayson never intended to step down. It was Grayson that reached out to Rogers and made an alliance, it was Grayson who wanted to overthrow The Council, it was Grayson who attempted to get me to join his cause. Rogers is merely your father's puppet, a minion set loose to do his dirty work. Grayson is a truly vile wolf, one that I have no desire to encounter again."

No, this can't be happening. None of this is real, this has to be some sort of nightmare. My father cannot be the reason for all of the murders. For all of the children slaughtered. One of them being his own son.  How could he sit across from us day in and day out without a care in the world? As if he hadn't committed the most evil act of all. How could he face my mother knowing that he killed her child. This doesn't make any sense.

He is a power hungry sexist asshole but, a traitorous murder? There has to be a mistake. He couldn't do that to his own blood. He couldn't.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted hysterically as my mind spiraled out of control "My father is many things, but a traitor is most certainly not one of them. You are just looking to place the blame on someone other than yourself, you're protecting someone. "

Adeline, I know this is hard. You're going into shock, breathe.

"I am growing tired of this, I have given you the answers you seek. I have fulfilled my end of the bargain, I owe you nothing. Now leave and never return for if you do I will not be so benevolent, Moon Goddess or not I will not tolerate you barging into my kingdom again." He threatened. His demeanor went from civilized to terrifying immediately. He extended his fangs and hissed lowly "Leave."

Suddenly all around the room the vampires materialized and began to hiss lowly. I looked around before meeting the Vampire King's hellish black eyes and nodded. An alpha always knows when to back down.

"This is not over." I said as I stared at him "I'll keep in touch."

I turned around and confidently walked out. The entire time my head was spinning, the adrenaline pumping through my veins had my hands slightly trembling as I walked out of the Cove. I decided to shift and cross the bridge as quickly as possible without the ropes snapping, once my paws touched land I immediately darted into the woods full speed as I mind linked Symone and Luca to wait for me in my office.

I ran faster than I ever had before, the wind was sharp against my fur and my paws thudded heavily on the ground. I didn't stop running even as I reached the pack house. I ran all the way up to the steps and shifted back mid air as I continued to straight into my office. Ignoring the concerned and relieved looks from several pack members.

"Thank God!" Shouted a relieved Ian as he crushed me in a death hug. "What the hell were you thinking?! I thought you were dead!"

"I'm fine. You need to go Ian I need to speak to Symone and Luca."

"Like hell, I'm not going anywhere. Mom and even our father have been worried sick. Especially Rose. They needed to give her a sedative to keep her from running after you."

My body tensed the second he mentioned our father.
"Ian. Leave. That's an order." I said with authority. He stared at me in shock for a moment before he backed away and slammed the door angrily. I sighed and covered my face with my hands.

"Alpha" Said Luca tentatively "I did what you said and... I have information on the night of Ian's murder."

I looked back at him in surprise, "I never said he was murdered."

"That's what I wanted to speak to you about, what I found out doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. It all seems like a made up story, especially since Ian just walked out of this office completely full of life. It seems almost ridiculous bringing it to your attention but The Elders insisted that I tell you."

"You went to The Elders?"

"Yes Alpha. They are all knowing, and they only speak the truth, I figured it was a good place to start looking for answers."

The Elders, of course they would have answers, I can't believe they didn't  cross my mind but then again it's rare to get them involved in pack affairs other than legal paperwork and even then they send out messengers. The Elders are intriguing to be quite honest. Knowledge is power. They know everything and anything one needs to know which in turn makes them the most powerful wolves on Earth.
I quickly sat behind  my desk and Symone handed me a jacket to cover myself with. I gestured for them both to take a seat.

"What did you find out?"

Luca hesitated for a moment looking extremely uncomfortable "Alpha, I feel inclined to admit that even though this information comes from a credible source I don't believe a word of it... I don't want to because if any of it is true..." He trailed off as he looked at the ground, avoiding my gaze.

"It's okay Luca, just tell me." I encouraged as I braced myself.

"According to Elder Senlo, Alpha Grayson ordered Alpha Rogers to murder Ian that night and succeeded. Apparently he is responsible for all of the murders  going on in the WereWorld and he created Shadow Valley Pack, it is not a legitimate pack and Rogers is not a legitimate Alpha, none of it was not authorized by The Council. Shadow Valley is nothing more than a group of rogues masquerading as a pack that only obey your father's orders. This can't possibly be true... Right?"

"He was telling the truth." I whispered as I shut my eyes and slammed my fist through the desk. I knew he was telling the truth. I just really hoped that it was a lie. I didn't want to believe that my own father was capable of committing such atrocities in the WereWorld. I wanted to scream. Not only was I hurt but I was burning in rage. All these years, packs have trembled in fear from "Alpha Rogers" and his pack when they really should've feared my father.

"Who was telling the truth?" Asked Symone.

I looked up at them, my mind going a mile a minute "The Vampire King. He was telling the truth."

"Alpha... Alpha I'm having trouble believing any of this." Luca said, looking upset.

"I understand exactly how you feel Luca. Believe me when I say how much I wish none of this is true but, it appears our biggest enemy was right underneath our noses the entire time."

I took a deep breath to slow my racing heart. My father is a murderer and a traitor. It looks like the mystery has been solved.

"Call for my brother." I say as I clear my throat and fix my wild hair "We have work to do."

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