Can't Fight Fate

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Chapter Twenty One

"This is by far the dumbest thing you have ever done." Said Ian as he loosened his tie. I slapped his hand away and tightened it again as I forced a smile on my face.

"I have done many dumb things but this is not one of them. Can you please just try?"

"What is the point Adeline? You dragged all of these women here for nothing, I'm never going to find my mate and I don't want to."

"Stop. Okay? Just stop trying to be a martyr."

"Adeline. Just let me go, we lost. It's pointless to try to find my mate now, actually it's cruel."

"How can finding your mate to save your soul possibly be cruel?" I argued as I stepped back and looked at him. His hair was perfectly styled and his grey eyes stared at me in annoyance.

"Let's say I do find my mate, she saves my soul but I'm still dead. She'll save my soul we'll establish the bond and then I cross over to find peace or whatever. What happens to her? Mm? Did you think about that? Did you think about the lifetime of pain she will have to suffer through?"

A knock on the door thankfully interrupted the moment.

"Alpha, it's time." Said Symone. I nodded in acknowledgment and handed the Moon Stone to an unenthusiastic Ian as he walked out without a word. I sighed and followed him out to the Pack House's beautifully decorated backyard. Twinkling lights hung all around creating a romantic feel. The backyard was immensely large which was fantastic since there seemed to be over a thousand women here. Not a bad turnout for an impromptu Wolf Call ceremony, these things are usually planned months in advance. As I walked across the yard towards the makeshift stage everyone bowed, straightening up only when I spoke into the microphone.

"Thank you all for coming, I know this is a bit short notice but it is of utmost importance that my brother find his mate in the next hour or he will die. There is no time to go into details. Please follow Symone and Lucas instructions. Thank you for your cooperation."

The crowd immediately began to murmur amongst themselves. I may have been too blunt, but time is of the essence, no point in tip toeing around the subject.

Just before I walked away Ian whispered in my ear "I have never been more embarrassed in my life."

I smiled as he walked off stage and towards Symone and a line of eager females.

"You look absolutely beautiful."

Turning around to see a dashing Nathan in a suit and tie. I smiled and hugged him, wrapping my hands around his neck as his hands encircled my waist.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I whispered breathlessly as I drank in the sight of him. His black hair swaying slightly with the breeze as his aqua blue eyes stared at me adoringly.

He smiled and my heartbeat stuttered. He pressed his forehead against mine and sighed contently, our wolves basking in the intimacy.

"How did I get this lucky?" He whispered as he stared into my grey eyes "How did I get the best woman on this Earth as my mate?"

I blushed and buried my face in his neck, stupid hormones.  He chuckled and kissed the top of my head as he tightened his hold on me. I closed my eyes and took comfort in his arms as I enjoyed the pleasant heat and tingles his touch caused. For a moment, I was six years old again, dreaming of my dashing mate to come get me. Nathan is everything I wished he would be and more. As I pulled away to look into his eyes I mentally cursed my father for all those years of mental abuse that led to me wanting to be mateless. I caressed his face and brushed my fingers lightly across his lips as electricity flowed through us. My heart felt absolutely full as he held me in his arms. I am both ecstatic and terrified of what these feelings mean.

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