Alpha Supreme

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Chapter Twenty-Four

"No. This is some kind of joke." I voice my racing thoughts.

"Adeline, I assure you. This is very much real. Do we seem like the joking kind? We have been watching you for quite some time. When Ian disappeared your journey began and we watched and waited until you were ready."

The confusion and uncertainty I felt at the moment was indescribable. "I need to sit down. This is too much to take in. Can you give me a minute?"

They nodded and remained still, making no attempt to get me a chair or any sort of privacy. Apparently I was meant to digest all of this at the moment and accept my new life. No big deal.

"Look, I'm honored, I really am, but I unfortunately have responsibilities back home. I am actually in the middle of something big and I need to get back. My pack is vulnerable without me and I have some unfinished business I need to attend to immediately so thank you, but I need to leave."

One of them chuckled and stood up, the rest of them followed. They formed a circle around me and I did my best to appear unfazed which is not an easy thing to do when I'm quite literally surrounded by the most terrifyingly powerful werewolves in the history of the world.

"You are a member of The Council, it is written in the stars. We have waited a millennia for you, this is no mistake. You were always meant to be one of us, in fact, you are meant to be our leader. You are the strongest of us all, and as such, you must take your place and accept your fate. Your time as Alpha of Midnight Warrior has come to an end, it is time for you to be the leader of the WereWorld."

He finished speaking and conjured up a blue velvet cloak similar to theirs, only this one seemed more regal, it had a certain feminine touch to it. It was also the only one that had gold designs around the sleeve and hem. They all knelt down and he offered the cloak to me, tentatively, I took it and saw a very beautiful gold letter A on the left breast. I looked around me and felt stunned, my throat closed up. I couldn't speak, I couldn't come to terms with the fact that the most powerful beings to ever walk this earth were currently surrounding me, submitting to me, making me their leader. My mind was spiraling, my hands began to shake as my anxiety began to take over. The sudden pressure of being responsible for an entire race dawned on me and my heart thudded heavily in my chest. Could one person handle so much responsibility?

I can't breathe. I feel Raina whine and call out to her mate.

I need Nathan. I need my mate.

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my heartbeat and clear my mind, but instead of calming down, my thoughts spun out of control. I was assaulted with thoughts and memories of everything that has happened from the moment my brother disappeared. When Ian left everything changed, when he left it was up to me to take over. When he left I became the eldest, I had to be strong and fierce. I had to grow up and be a leader, I didn't have time to waste. Father... he didn't want me to take over, at the time I believed him when he said his reason for not stepping down was because a woman could not be strong enough to lead without a man. That I needed a mate to be able to lead, his sexism only made me detest mates, made me loathe the idea of bonding with someone. The alpha title belonged to me, not to my mate. If The Moon Goddess could keep me mateless then I could finally prove to my father that I was strong enough.

I think he realized that in the end. Had he known all along? I was always different from the others, I could speak to my wolf years before I was supposed to, I was always faster than the rest, stronger... did he fear me? If I was so weak, why did he need an entire pack to attack me?

What does this mean for Midnight Warrior if I am no longer Alpha? What happens to my mate now? The Council has never been seen with their mates, did they have any? Questions continued to pour into my mind without end.

Could I really see myself leading The Council? Maybe.

Could I see myself abandoning Midnight Warrior? Absolutely not.

I sighed and decided to come at this situation like I would any other.

Head first, after all, it doesn't seem like I have another choice.

They looked up at me with their black eyes expectantly, I nodded my head slightly and they all smiled.

"Welcome home Adeline, Alpha Supreme of the WereWorld." Said one of them, followed by a chorus of 'Welcome home.'

A feeling of dread washed over me as the pressure of the entire lycanthrope race suddenly rested in my blood covered hands.

"Thank you." I said completely overwhelmed "What happens now?"

"We have much to go over, you will have to begin your training. Your powers will continue to grow and you will need to learn how to control it. But as for right this second, we understand you have a few loose ends to tie up. You may leave, but be warned - we will be watching."


I nodded and handed him the cloak, he shook his head and held his hand up.

"Keep it, it is yours. When you are ready to take your place in The Council as Alpha Supreme you must put it on. That is all for now Adeline. We will see you soon."

They all rose to their feet and raised their hands towards me, they bowed their heads and that nauseating feeling returned as light surrounded me and my stomach dropped. I was being transported again, the room disappeared and I materialized in the Pack House's front yard. Cold and covered in blood I hugged the cloak to my chest and sat down at the base of the wolf statue.

I looked at the cloak and brushed my fingers along the golden A as I took a moment to just sit and let tonight's events sink in.

"Adeline?" Said Rose cautiously as she approached, almost unsure if it was really me "Adeline!" She shouted as she ran towards me and hugged me tightly "Oh my God! We have been searching for you EVERYWHERE! Mom is freaking out! She can't find anyone! Ian just left again, we have no idea where he went, you were gone and Dad left with a search party to find you, he was so worried! Where the hell were you? What happened? Are you hurt?" She searched me over and pushed my blood matted hair out of my face "What's that?" She asked as she went to touch the cloak, that movement made me snap out of my zombie-like trance. I had no idea what would happen if she were to touch the cloak, no one ever touches The Council, for all I know it could zap her out of existence. Or maybe it was just a fucking cloak, either way caution was called for.

"Rose." I whispered "I need you to gather the pack, there's something I need to tell you all."

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