A Rarity

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Chapter Twenty-Three

The second I stepped out into the cold night, I dropped to my knees. My chest constricted and I gasped out, the sudden reality of what I did crashing down on me. I murdered my father, I abandoned him, fed him to the wolves, so to speak. Pun intended.

I covered my mouth to quiet the now uncontrollable sobs. The second my tears streamed down my face something unleashed inside of me, I couldn't control myself, I couldn't calm down. I began to hyperventilate, my body on the verge of a panic attack.

Terrible, painful screams echoed in the caves behind me, they were torturing him. My father was screaming in agony and it was all my fault. I stared at my body covered with blood that was not mine. I murdered an entire pack, granted they were a pack of rogues and quite a few Midnight Warrior traitors who initiated the attack, but I killed them. I murdered at least a hundred tonight.

Adeline, come on we have to get out of here.

Raina... Raina I murdered him. I murdered him.

Adeline, you're scaring me now. Snap out of it. Don't dwell on this please, he was going to kill you first.

I covered my ears to drown out his cries. I fell forward and curled into the fetal position. I lay there in despair, my mind replaying tonight's events.

"Get up."

"GET UP." The voice repeated, followed by a subtle kick to my shins. Looking up I saw a man standing in a blue velvet cloak, his eyes black as night. A Council member. Immediately I jumped to my feet and bowed.

"Enough of that, straighten up." He barked out. I complied and quickly wiped my face clear of any tears.

"If I may be so bold Councilman, why have you come?"

"Tonight's events have caught our attention, your presence has been requested."

My eyes widened when he extended his hand for me to take. Me? The Council wants to speak to me? This can't be good, nothing good can come out of this.
Switching into Alpha mode I straightened up and with fake confidence I firmly grasped his hand. He tightened his hold and looked me over for a moment, he smirked and suddenly we were surrounded by light and he began to disappear. I felt my stomach drop and my head felt fuzzy, a second later he dropped my hand and I stumbled a bit while gripping my now throbbing head.

Feeling completely disoriented I looked around to see that I was standing in the center of a huge room. The walls were a beautiful royal blue and in front of me sat The Council. The one who brought me here took his seat on the left. My heart began to hammer in my chest as I stood before the six of them, I would have quite literally shit my pants if I were wearing any. It suddenly occurred to me that I was standing before the most powerful beings in history stark naked and completely covered in blood. If this was some sort of trial to prove my innocence of tonight's events I was screwed.

I looked over each of their faces, it wasn't every day that you were summoned by them. It wasn't every day you could be this close to them. One of them in the middle stood up.

"Adeline Moon. Alpha of Midnight Warrior Pack, welcome to The Hollow." He said.

My eyes wanted to pop out of my head. The Hollow. I was standing in the most mysterious location in the WereWorld. Millions have tried to find it, but to no avail. What could they possibly want with me that would warrant bringing me to The Hollow?

They remained silent, it occurred to me then that they were expecting some sort of response. I was going to die. I felt it, they brought me here because they have no intention of releasing me. If this is how I was meant to die, then I wasn't going to submit so easily. I am Alpha of Midnight Warrior, I'll be damned if I sit quietly and take it.

"Why am I here?" I asked, voice snippy.

"Relax, we are not going to harm you."

"Why. Am. I. Here." I repeated, anger starting to rear its head as a result of fear. I tend to take refuge in anger, in this particular situation it might just get me killed. Raina agreed.

Adeline, dial it down. They said they weren't going to hurt us, don't make them change their minds.

"Adeline, I trust you know a great deal of our history correct?"


"We are the first werewolves in history, the originals if you will and as such we posses incredible powers and strength."

"Get to the point. I assume you didn't summon me here to brag about your status."

Adeline Warned Raina.

The Councilman simply smirked and nodded, as did the others. What the hell was going on here?

"Very well Adeline Moon. I will "get to the point." We are the first of our kind, a rarity, royalty." I nodded, gesturing him to get a move on with it already.

"As are you."

A confused look crossed my face as I digested his words, "What does that mean?"

"It means my dear that you, Adeline Moon, are the first of your kind. You are the first female Alpha in the history of the WereWorld and as such you posses our powers and strength. You are a rarity. You are royalty. You are an original. You are, as of tonight, The Council's first female member."

My head spun and basically exploded with the news.

They have to be joking.

This has to be a mistake.

It has to be.

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