Walk Through Hell

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

For a moment, time froze. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest as Raina howled, calling out to her mate. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think.

Desperation seeped into my bloodstream and I clasped Elder Senlo's golden robe in my fists.
"Take me there."

His sad expression deepened "I can't. No one can. Nathaniel was the guardian, the sole guardian. No one but him can come and go into the void as he pleases."

"I don't understand. If he can come and go whenever he wants then why do you have that face?"

He sighed and held up a golden chain necklace with a small hourglass filled with golden sand. All of the sand was at the bottom.

"This timer is his key to the void. He only has an hour to get in and out, he must make it back by the time the last grain of sand reaches the bottom."

My face paled as I understood.

"He didn't make it back in time." I whispered as I felt the wind get sucked from my lungs. "Why?" I gasped, "What the hell happened? Why did he go in there!" I shouted angrily. Raina howled in pain and despair.

"He went to save your mother's soul." Answered Senlo.

My eyes flashed up to meet his gaze "What do you mean? What happened to my mother?" I choked out, fear rising in my body.

"When your father passed his evil soul was sent straight into the void. When your mother killed herself to join him her soul wandered into the void."

"I don't understand. How could this happen? People die all the time, why do certain souls get sent there? Who determines that? Nathan?"

He shook his head "Please come in, have a seat. There is much that needs to be explained."

I followed him into his study and sat across from him, my body moving of its own accord. My mind was reeling. I can't lose him too.

I can't.

"Let us begin with why Ian's soul was in danger of falling into the void. His case was rare, his mate being the Goddess she is, unknowingly called his soul to her when he died. His soul never went through the grieving process of death, he never passed through Limbo. The void calls out to souls who are not pure, who defy the rules of nature."

"So when The Moon Goddess called to his soul, he defied the rules. He never passed through Limbo. So it's her fault he was in danger in the first place?" My blood boiled. On top of being completely useless she also endangered my brothers soul.

"Now Adeline, it is no one's fault. It is the way fate intended it. One must not question fate."

"So you're telling me fate wants Nathan and my mother in the void? Suffering in the nothingness for eternity together?"

His solemn face grew more tired "He was successful in retrieving your mother's soul, she is now in Limbo awaiting approval to cross over and find peace."

"But hadn't she already found peace? She found my father, she just wanted to be with him."

He shook his head "The void is a fate worse than hell. Once in the void the souls get separated, loneliness is part of the damnation. Your mother's soul never made it to your father, the void would not allow it. When Nathan heard that she had killed herself to be with her mate he jumped into the void to save her. He completed his task but just before he left your father got a hold of him. Held onto him in the hopes of coming back into the land of the living, just as Ian had. Nathan just couldn't shake him off and he knew he couldn't leave with your father still clinging onto him. So he sacrificed himself to keep Grayson where he belonged."

My mate is suffering eternal damnation as a result of my fathers ambition. I scoffed in disbelief.

"Even beyond the grave he still finds a way to ruin my life."

I took a moment to collect my thoughts and process the information. The solution seemed simple.

"How do I get into the void?"

Elder Senlo shook his head "You can't get in unless your soul is called into it and let's face it, your soul is about as pure as it can get. There is no way in Adeline. Believe me, I wish there was."

I shook my head "No. There is another way."

He looked at me with sympathy "Adeline. He's gone."

"My mother found a way."

His eyes widened "No. You cannot! You are meant to take your place as Alpha Supreme. I understand you are grieving but you have a responsibility that is greater than all of this."

"He's my mate." I reasoned

"He's my son." He whispered "And he would never approve of you taking your life to save him."

"She doesn't have to." Someone said from behind us. I turned and saw a beautiful young woman with golden hair that matched her silk dress. She smiled slightly at me and outstretched her hand. Senlo looked at her cautiously confused and handed her the golden timer. She took a deep breath and tapped on the edge twice. The sand began to swirl inside.

"What are you doing Morina?"

"She is the guardians mate. Furthermore she is Alpha Supreme, protector and leader of the WereWorld. If anyone can enter the void, it's her." She turned to me and her brown eyes were suddenly very serious. "Please understand the severity of this situation Adeline. It is very easy to get lost. The void is the epitome of your worst nightmare, it will challenge you, get inside your head, make you lose focus. It was designed to isolate your mind and trap it, stranding you in darkness. Even the bravest of warriors lose their minds in there, their hope. You mustn't fall prey to its tricks for if you do, there is no escaping. You will face all of your demons, your guilt, your pain - your fears. Do you understand?"

My heart thumped harshly in my chest as the adrenaline began to take over. Was I scared? Yes. Could I back out of this? Sure. Would I leave my mate to suffer for the rest of forever, because he risked his soul for my mother? Absolutely not.

He's proved himself to you Adeline, he's proved that he loves you, that you can count on him. You're not alone in this, we go in together.

I nodded, both in agreement with Raina and in answer to Morina.

"I'd walk through hell for him." I answered.

Senlo shook his head and Morina nodded.

"You are." She said as she thrusted the timer at me and an incomprehensible amount of sand burst out of that tiny timer and swirled quickly and furiously around me as it covered me from head to toe. I felt my body fluctuate and contort in odd ways. I felt myself begin to stretch and shrink and swirl and I started to get pulled in to the timer. My eyes widened and I reached out but the sand pulled me harder.

"Good Luck." I heard her voice echo as I vanished into complete darkness.

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