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Liam Neeson as Benedict eyy !!


Louis had been ignoring the person knocking on his bedroom door for what felt like hours, and yet, the person still wouldn't give up.

He rolled over onto his stomach and covered his head with pillows, very much not appreciating the noisiness at such an ungodly hour. He willed the person to take a hint and go away, but that was apparently impossible.

"Louis! Get your ass up!"

Louis' response was a low, very much pissed growl. "Why the fuck do I need to get up at four in the morning, Zayn?"

"It's Niall! He's hurt!"

At that, Louis' eyes snapped open. Instantly, all the blankets and covers were thrown off of his body and then he was on his feet, racing to the door. He swung it open, revealing an exhausted Zayn with his arm up, ready to knock.

"Come on," Louis said.

They walked down the halls silently and quickly, and then they were downstairs at the infirmary. The first thing Louis noticed was Harry who was sitting at the foot of one of the beds, which he soon realized was occupied by Niall. When they got closer, he realized that Harry was tending to a wound on his left leg—a large, harsh red line cutting through his pale skin.

"Niall, what happened?" Louis asked urgently, taking in the numerous wounds and scars all over Niall's face and arms.

Suddenly, someone shoved him out of the way—it was Liam, as it turned out—who began applying some sort of ointment on Niall's wounds. He must've been doing it wrong, because Niall hissed and swatted his arm away.

"I'm trying to help you!" Liam said in exasperation.

"Well, I'd rather you not then." Niall said, wincing as he moved his arm.

"You ingrate—"

"Hey, I'll do it. It's fine," Harry said distractedly, taking the bottle of ointment from Liam's hands.

This time, Harry used a clean piece of cloth to apply the medicine and also bandaged it up. Liam, Zayn, and Louis just stood around the bed with anxious expressions, jittery but unsure of how they could help. Harry seemed to be doing pretty well on his own—the cut on Niall's leg had been cleaned, tended, and wrapped up, and now Harry was busy healing his smaller scars and bruises. Niall had his eyes closed now, looking relaxed and at peace compared to how panicked and pain-stricken he'd looked only a few moments ago. Harry's lips were subtly moving, perhaps whispering comforting words that only Niall could hear. Louis just watched in awe, because Harry might not be the best fighter out there, but they'd definitely all be dead without him.

"Can someone tell me what happened?" Louis asked tiredly, eyes flitting between Liam and Zayn.

"It was really bad, apparently," Zayn began as he pinched the bridge of his nose—something he always did when he was frustrated, "Niall was sent out for that assignment along with the McCarter twins. When he got here, all bloody and injured, he kept on telling me to send help for the three other guys. Said they were still in trouble."

The McCarter twins—Louis remembered them very well. They were close friends of Benedict's, and he'd also met them a few months ago when they came to visit. All Louis knew was that those twins were very able and built—if there was anything that those Alphas couldn't handle, then Louis and his brothers should be worried.

"What attacked them, then? How is it different from those other assignments?" Louis asked, voice louder than he intended out of frustration.

"It was an ambush attack."

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