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Commander Roy's office seemed a lot colder and more intimidating than it seemed the last time they'd been here.

"We're going to be fine," Louis said, giving Harry's thigh a gentle squeeze.

They were currently sitting on a plush velvet sofa, staring at the various pictures, certificates, and weapons that hung along the black-painted wall as they waited anxiously for Roy to arrive. Niall was nervously pacing back and forth, running his fingers through his hair. Liam was standing as well, a thoughtful look on his face, while Zayn looked as calm as ever sitting next to them.

Louis scrunched his nose when he realized that Harry's cover-up perfume was wearing off. The room now began to smell of flowers and a fresh breeze, with a hint of sweetness.

Harry had an unreadable expression on his face, eyes distant. Louis could tell that he was nervous as well, though he was good at making himself seem unfazed.

The sound of the door opening echoed through the room, causing them all to turn and watch as the tall, muscular man dressed in his usual commander unifrom strode towards his table. He placed a briefcase he was carrying on the table before shrugging his jacket off and taking a seat, followed by a sigh of relief.

"Good morning, Commanded Roy," Liam greeted formally, as Harry, Louis, and Zayn stood up.

"Ah, what do we have here," Roy acknowledged them for the first time, a small smile playing across his lips. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Winter boys?"

Liam cleared his throat before speaking, "Well, Harry had finally presented and—"

"Why of course! The whole Fort is aware of Harry Styles. He's pretty popular now, don't you think?" Roy interrupted, placing a cigarette stick between his teeth and lighting it up.

Louis frowned at that. "We don't know what you mean."

Roy huffed out a laugh, standing up from his seat and walking towards them with a condescending smile. "A newly-presented Omega in the Fort is definitely gossip worthy, is it not?"

Harry's eyes widened at the idea that all these Alphas were aware of his presence. Louis must've sensed his discomfort because he immediately wrapped an arm around his waist, squeezing his hip almost possessively.

"That's what we've come here for to discuss," Liam said, but was once again cut off.

"Yes, I see. Because as a matter of fact, little Harry here is already causing a few problems here and there. My troopers have been smelling your scent, and to say the least, it's a great distraction. Don't get me wrong, I am honored to have an Omega in front of me right now for the rarity of your kind, but your presence here is just…unnecessary." Roy said, eyeing Harry from head to toe.

"And what do you propose as a solution, Sir?" Niall said through gritted teeth.

"A simple one. To send the Omega on his merry way, away from the Fort since he does not belong here."

"We have a right to protest," Louis chimed in, trying to keep his voice low, "and we are. We believe Harry deserves to be here as much as any Alpha—"

Roy's loud bark of laughter took over the room. "I'm sorry, but the rules are very clear. You are only allowed to be an inhabitant of the Fort and a possible Trooper if, and only if you are an Alpha. Surely, you Winter boys must know this well. Mister Benedict says he's had you memorize numerous books tackling this very topic, so I don't see why you have trouble interpreting this."

The four Alphas looked just about ready to pounce at the man, but Harry gave them pointed looks, silently telling them to keep their cool.

"It's a century-old tradition, I think it's about time—" Zayn tries to argue.

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