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Louis definitely did not want to go for round two.

He'd beaten Jeremy in the first round, but only barely. The Alpha seemed to have some deep seated anger and punched a bit too hard, so no, Louis would very much not like to battle that Alpha again, thank you very much.

A healer was busy tending to his wounds when a clearly plastered Niall appeared, punching his fist into the air. "Good one mate! I thought I'd lose a few hundred bucks there for a second, but of course you came through."

Louis laughed in amusement. "You bet a hundred bucks on me?"

"It's good investment," Niall said dismissively.

"Sure." Louis rolled his eyes. "Where are the others?"

"Zayn and Liam were with some girls earlier, god knows where they are now," Niall said with a wink.

"And Harry?" Louis said.

Niall stared blankly for a moment. "Uh, dunno."

Louis was immediately on his feet. "You don't know? He was just sitting there before the fight."

Niall wasn't paying attention anymore, instead gulping down a cup of beer in one go. "Whoo!"

And then the blonde Alpha was walking away without a care in the world,  grabbing drinks from random tables as he went.

Louis apologized to the healer beside him and excused himself to look for Harry. He felt bad for leaving Harry like that, and of course Niall wouldn't stay sober long enough to look after him. Louis squeezed through the people, ignoring the dull pain all over his body from the fight.

He walked around in random directions for nearly half an hour until his eyes finally landed on a familiar mop of curls. His eyes immediately darkened.

Harry's back was pressed against a tree, and right in front of him was none other the Jaron, towering over the sixteen-year-old. Even from a distance, Louis could tell that Harry was drunk, from his glassy unfocused eyes and tinted cheeks. Jaron's arms caged Harry on the spot, and Louis saw red when the man leaned in to whisper something in Harry's ear.

The next thing he knew, he was grabbing Jaron by his shirt and shoving him away from the boy.

"What the fuck?" Jaron growled, but then his eyes widened when he realized it was Louis.

"You can leave now. I'll take care of Harry." Louis said, a growl leaving his mouth unconsciously.

Jaron looked like he wanted to protest for a moment, eyes flicking from Harry to Louis, but then he just gave Louis a nod before disappearing into the crowd.

"Cock block."

Louis' looked at Harry in surprise, who burst into laughter. Louis shook his head and threw Harry's arm over his shoulder, leading the boy across the field. Louis had never seen Harry drunk, probably because of the fact that it wasn't like him to get wasted, which was why he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.

"How much did you drink?" Louis said in disbelief as they'd made it into the stone building.

"Didn't know it was alcohol at first. It was some fruity punch at first and then, ya know." Harry mumbled.

Louis led the stumbling boy up the stairs, ignoring his incoherent sentences and words. When they'd finally made it to their quarters, Louis closed the door behind them and laid Harry down on his bed. Harry was talking about some girl named Cristine when Louis began rummaging through his things to find him some decent clothes to change into.

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