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"Did you know that there used to be a plant that increased your size? Well, they say it was tricky to brew it and get it right, but if you do, you could grow like up to ten feet tall or something! They say it's probably the plant giants used to eat, which is why they're so big. But if you cooked it wrong, though, you'd end up with abnormally long limbs but then your head and torso would stay the same size, so that's pretty awkward. And unfortunate, cause you know, there's no undoing it. The plant's extinct now-I can't really remember the name, nor would I be able to pronounce it if I did know. Anyway, I think it's quite interesting."

Louis stared at Harry with an amused look, letting the boy shower him with all his herb and plant trivias. It was cute, really-beyond cute. Harry didn't even realize how adorable he was, probably didn't even realize he was rambling and talking a lot either. The boy would get all serious and focused as he racked his brain for information about herbs and plants he'd read about, unaware that Louis didn't really try understanding much and just wanted to watch him talk.

"That is interesting," Louis said casually, taking a sip from his juice.

They'd decided to eat out for lunch today, so Louis made sure to find them a decent restaurant and booked a reservation as soon as he could. It was quite worth it, because Harry seemed to be enjoying his pasta, either unaware or indifferent of the small patches of sauce stuck to his cheek near his mouth.

Louis laughed and leaned over the table to wipe it off with his thumb, licking it afterwards. Harry just smiled happily at him.

"Are your hands better? Do you think we should buy more bandages, maybe better quality ones than we have back at home." Harry said, taking his still bandaged hand to inspect it.

In all honesty, the bruise was barely there anymore, but Harry kept on insisting to let it fully heal, so Louis just gave in and let him smear as much ointments as he wanted.

"No, I don't think we need to buy more bandages." Louis said.

Harry nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But you promised to help me buy pots and other gardening tools. Emily asked me to replant the pollen I'd gotten from my Lilian plant as soon as I can."

Harry and Emily had been speaking frequently now, though mostly over the phone, concerning Harry's cure drug. Louis practically became his assistant, helping him find all the materials and books he needed for it. Louis wasn't complaining, though, because seeing Harry's focused face, lip sticking out between his lips as he did something in concentration while wearing a pink apron (Harry insisted that he protected his clothes and skin from the plants just to be safe) made it all worth-it.

Basically, in a short span of time, Harry's room now looked like some sort of greenhouse. The bed was pushed to the side, and on top of it were mountains of books and scrolls. His window ledge was filled with potted plants, but Harry said he might bring them down to the garden for better sunlight. He spent most of the day there, working on the cure full-time, talking to Emily over the phone and discussing certain things Louis didn't even try to understand. At night, they slept in Louis' room since that was the obviously more practical choice, and during the morning, Harry would bring up breakfast in bed before going to his room to continue his work.

In short, they were happy.

Louis didn't want to speak too soon, though. Fate was an actual bitch to him, so he treaded cautiously for now, enjoying every moment but also keeping his eyes wide open for anything that might come to them.

"Are you done eating? We could go to the gardening shop now." Louis said.

Harry quickly finished the rest of his pasta, gulping down his drink soon after and burping obnoxiously, earning a few weird looks from the people around them. Louis just kissed his silly smile before leading him out of the restaurant and making their way to the shop.

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